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The Girl He Craves novel (Sophie and Aiden) novel Chapter 35

Chapter 35

Aiden’s pov

Something was very familiar with this woman. The way her bottom was shaped. The way she stood.

I stumbled out of the elevator when a thought slammed into my head.

No, it can’t be her.

What would Sophie Bell be doing in New York? Especially at Harrington.co?

She was probably sitting in her dorm room in college, talking to her roommate about weird shit.

This woman wasn’t Sophie. She couldn’t possibly be her.

Besides Sophie had brown chocolate hair and she had less hips. Though those legs were long just like hers…..

I shake my head while watching the woman enter the elevator. When the doors close behind her, I’m convinced that I was going mad.

Was I still so obsessed with Sophie that I was now thinking a stranger was her?

| grunt and decided to forget about this mysterious woman. She was no one, she was not Sophie. And if she was, I wouldn’t care anyway.

Sophie Bell has been dead to me for three years.

I stormed my to Bernard’s office, frustrated that I even thought this woman was Sophie.

“Mr. Xavier,” Bernard’s secretary, Alice rose from her seat. She looks shocked to see me, or perhaps it was the invisible steam coming out of my ears that had her so stunned.

I ignored her and went straight for Bernard’s office without knocking.

As soon as I enter. I’m hit with a familiar scent. It was a floral scent, but the scent was very faint. It reminded me of…..her.

What. The. Fuck.

I shook my head. I was really going mad today.

Bernard lifts his head from the mess of paperwork on his desk. He raised a brow. Of all my employees, Bernard was the only one who didn’t cower under my cold stare. I could give the old man props for that.


I glared at him and he stops. He knows how much I hate when he calls me by my given name. That name was only supposed to slip past the lips of those close to me.

Not because Bernard has been working for Harrington.co and was a trusted employee as

Sergio has mentioned, meant we were close.

“Mr. Xavier. What do I owe the pleasure

” Here are the reports I want you to look into.” I slam the file on his desk, frustrated that the light floral scent was still troubling my nose.

“Mr. Xavier

“Have them done by tomorrow.” Usually, I would have a more than five minute talk with him about the finances concerning the company, but I found myself itching to get out of the room and away from that scent.

I stormed out of his office.

“Mr. Xavier,” Alice nods when I stormed by. I don’t acknowledge her, needing to get out of where quickly

When I entered the elevator and pushed in my floor number, 38, I sighed in relief.


As soon as the doors slide back close, I could finally breathe. But the frustration was still there.

Sophie Bell.

It was clear she was still haunting my mind to this day.

Igroaned. I slept with so many willing women to forget about her and it takes one mysteri ous woman that reminded me of her to have my entire composure crumbling at my feet.

I felt like that same high school boy who was so obsessed and in love with her that I’d do anything.

I was no longer that boy. I refuse to be that ‘boy’ again.

I will continue to force her out of my mind. No matter how long and how many women it would take to forget about her.

Because I was sure Sophie Bell forgot all about me.

She sure did, with not even bothering to call me when I was locked up for an entire year.

| gritted my teeth harshly when the thought slammed into my head. I didn’t want to think about her any longer. Didn’t even want to care about her whereabouts.

The elevator dings open and I walked out.

Noel is seated at her desk, her red lipstick is one of the first things you’d notice about her.

She’ll do. I’ll finally put her to use.

When she hears me approaching, her gaze sweeps up quickly and her eyes hold that glint of desire in them.

“Come,” I demanded and walked away. She’s quick to stand up and follow behind me like a puppy.

Earlier she looked like she was desperate to get on her knees for me, I’d make her wishes come true today.

Bernard’s pov

I looked at the door Aiden had just stormed out of in confusion. He sure looked flustered and a bit uncomfortable before storming out.

The door opens a second later and Alice enters. “Saw Mr. Xavier storming out. Is something wrong?” She asked in concern.

I shook my head while reaching out for the file he placed on the desk. “Not that I know of. He looked already pissed off the moment he entered.” I answered.

And then shrugged. “Honestly it’s the blue-eyed devil we’re talking about. It doesn’t take much to anger him. I’m sure it’s nothing.”

“You’re right, Mr. Xavier is always pissed off,” Alice said.

“By the way Bernard, you were right about Sophie. She’s very hardworking and can grasp anything quickly. She’s the right fit for the job.” Alice utters.

job. Alice utta

“She also resembles your daughter a lot. Almost the exact replica. They could even be mis taken as twins.”.

I looked down at the photo frame on my desk, almost buried by the amount of paperwork currently around it.

It was a photo of Mya, my dead daughter and my wife. We took that photo at a resort, not knowing that it would be the last time our daughter would be living and breathing. She was only seventeen then and had her whole life ahead of her.

That was five years ago.

Seeing Sophie in that diner that day, two years ago brought back memories I shared with my daughter. It was like I was staring at my daughter again, and seeing her smiling again.

From then, Sophie had become someone I held dear even though the girl wasn’t my biologi cal daughter.

I nodded, “She does, doesn’t she? The exact replica.”

“It wouldn’t surprise me if she actually was your long-lost daughter you never knew about. Or at least a relative.” Alice voiced out.

I snorted, “Don’t be ridiculous, Alice. I had only one biological daughter. And even conceiving her with my wife was hard. I wasn’t a man who spread my seed everywhere.”

“Ooh Ash would love those.” | squealed lowly as I pushed small chocolate cupcakes inside the foam container.

My eyes dance around the cute desserts.

It wasn’t really hard to find the staff canteen and I was proud to say that I found it in five min utes. But maybe that was because I asked for directions from the receptionist who didn’t seem to be in a bad mood again.

I stuffed my foam container with endless desserts knowing I’d have to share with Mila and Ria when I got home.

I should really start eating healthy…..

My tongue licks a trail on my bottom lip when my eyes fall on a red velvet cake.

But how can I eat healthy when they showcase all those unhealthy foods here? I moaned. This was torture.

I forced myself to walk away from the pleasant aroma and even more pleasant looking food. I will not be tempted today Satan!

I refuse to be Eve!


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