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The Girl He Craves novel (Sophie and Aiden) novel Chapter 41

Chapter 41

Sophie’s pov

: I smiled at the woman beside me as I sat down on the chair beside hers. She smiles politely back even though she didn’t know me.

Lisa sits to my right and sighed. “I’m nervous.” She admitted, her feet bouncing on the floor.

I noticed everyone was on edge as I scan my eyes through the crowd of people waiting for this CEO to show up.

Was the CEO that bad?

“Is he that bad? The CEO I mean?” I asked, turning to her. If everyone was so on edge, I can’t help but feel like I should be nervous too.

Maybe I should be shitting my pants right now.

Lisa nods. “Oh yeah. He wasn’t named the blue-eyed devil for nothing. He’s the Chairman’s grandson and when he took over the company everyone thought that finally, they wouldn’t have to work under a hard and cold man anymore. Turns out that he was even worst than his grandfa ther. Bummer because he’s so young and handsome. Makes one wonder what he went through to turn out like that.”

Blue-eyed devil?

Well, that was surely a name to set fear into someone.

I gulped. If he acted like the devil they named him as then I did have to fear.

“He sounds….

I drawled out.

“Scary I know.” Lisa nods. “Even though he’s so cold, women still flock towards him. I mean if you saw that face and body, you’d be too.”

I highly doubt it. Men are the last thing on my mind right now and the only male that was, was my little Ash bug, And Aiden. But that was because I couldn’t stop thinking about him when our son was his exact replica.

Speaking of…

I scan my eyes over the mass of heads around me in search of him. There were no signs of him. I puffed out an annoyed breath.

It wasn’t him Sophie. Just your mind playing tricks on you.

“But I should warn you. Don’t let those good looks fool you. He’s a womanizer and rumor has it that the chairman is fed up with his womanizing ways.” Lisa snorted. “I think he slept with most of his secretaries and most women working here…well excluding me of course.”

Wow, that CEO sounds like a piece of work and disgusting.

“How young is he?” I asked out of curiosity.

Lisa’s eyes narrowed. “He should be in his early twenties. I heard he likes to keep his past a secret. No one knows anything about him personally.”


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