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The Girl He Craves novel (Sophie and Aiden) novel Chapter 43

Chapter 43

Sophie’s pov

I know after I had Ash, my baby weight stayed a little. I still had hips and my breasts were vis ibly bigger. My bottom also had more cushion in there.

And sure my hair was now dyed blonde but was that really a drastic change for Aiden to not realize that it was me?

Did he find me now unattractive and didn’t want to acknowledge that he was once inside me? I guess that was years ago but still…

Mila said I got even hotter after I had Ash, she called me a milf. Did she lie?

I groaned, dropping my head between my arms on the desk. This was torture. Why was even still thinking about him? Why do I even care that he found me unattractive?

It’s not like I want him to acknowledge me or find me hot. Besides, he apparently had been busy getting his cock wet in every willing hole. I should hate him, hell I should loathe him with my entire being.

What happened between me and him was in the past, I should stop thinking about it. I should stop thinking about him altogether.

He’s been on my mind for hours and honestly, I was getting exhausted by my mind always plagued by him more than usual.

Over those three years, I thought about him, and wondered if he was okay. But I was scared of reaching out to him in jail, fearing he’d blast me and hate me even more.

Turns out, after three years, he forgot about me altogether.

I need a drink, I hadn’t tasted wine in a few months now. And now my tastebuds were cray ing the rich liquid on my tongue.

I looked at the clock. It was twelve now. Lunchtime.

There was something better than wine at the moment I could drink and that was black cof

fee. I needed my brain to wake up from the fog of Aiden.

I called Bernard’s office and told him I was heading out for lunch and asked him if he needed anything.

“No, no you go ahead and have a good lunch, Sophie. Don’t worry about me, I’m not even hungry.”

When we cut the line, I made a mental note to bring some coffee for him too, and maybe some donuts if there are any. Last time I was here, there was a tray full of glazed donuts that looked delicious.

Knowing that I was heading only to the staff canteen, I didn’t bother bringing my bag with me and just headed out.

When I was near Lisa’s office door, she opens the door. “Where are you heading to Sophie?”


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