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The Girl He Craves novel (Sophie and Aiden) novel Chapter 47

Sophie’s pov

“Okay so you have to tell me

I place my finger on my lips and shush her. Mila cringes and mouths sorry before walking out of the room.

I looked down at Ash and sighed. He had fallen asleep the second he rest his head on my shoulder while we walked up the stairs leading to the apartment.

I wasn’t surprised that he was always so tired now, they did say he was a bit of a troublemaker and could never sit still. He reminded me of, him!

I brush my finger down his soft cheek and blinked. Oh Ash, if only you knew how hard this is for me. I’m so sorry I’m letting you down bug. I just can’t stand being ignored by your dad, it just hurts too much.

I kissed his cheeks and then walked out of the room. Mila is already waiting for me on the sofa and I make a bee-line for the kitchen. I need a drink. I hadn’t tasted wine in months. I needed it now. Especially because of the day I had.

“You look like crap.” Mila pointed out as she twisted around to look at me.

1 Igrab a wine bottle from the cupboard and was a bit surprised that it was actually still full. With

Ria here, it was rare to actually have wine that wasn’t half empty already.

“Thanks, I needed that.” I snorted, struggling to open the wine bottle.

Mila winces. “Sorry, I was just

I nod. “Being honest. I know I look like crap, I feel like it. And if you’re about to ask about my first day of work, then to answer you short. It was crap. Plain and simple. Today was awful.”

Finally opening the bottle, I grab a glass and fill it with red wine. The aroma is pleasant and my tastebuds tingle in anticipation.

Mila’s brows furrowed as she got up from the sofa and walked over to me. “Was Bernard a bad boss

I shook my head quickly. “Oh no, Bernard was a sweetheart. Poor man barely had enough time to have a break. It’s the monster of a Ceo who’s the problem.” I said and lifted the glass to my lips. I sniffed the smoky aroma and took a sip.

God, I needed that.

Mila looks even more confused by my words. “Who’s the Ceo?”

I snorted and took another sip of the wine before I answered her. “You wouldn’t believe who Mila,” I laughed dryly. “It’s someone you least expect.” I took a bigger sip, remembering how coldly Aiden regarded me,

“Come on, tell me.” Mila urged while eyeing my glass of wine. She knew that I wasn’t one to drink and also knew that it would take a lot to crumble my composure.

I looked at her above the rim of the glass and breathed out. “It’s Aiden. Aiden Xavier. Crazy right?”

Mila’s eyes widen and she leans forward. “Come again?”

I rolled my eyes. “It’s Aiden Mila. Aiden’s the Ceo of Harrington.co. When I saw him in the elevator, I thought perhaps my eyes were deceiving me. Turns out, my eyes aren’t as shitty as I thought they were.”

Mila’s mouth opens and then closes. She resembles a fish about now.

“You’re kidding right? Aiden as in Aiden Xavier who got put in jail for accidentally causing your ex Carson’s death?” She asked in disbelief. I don’t blame her, I couldn’t believe it also.

In fact, a little part of my head still thought that this was all a dream and soon I’d wake up.

I nod. “And also Ashton’s dad, don’t forget that.”

“Shit.” Mila cursed.

I nod. Shit indeed.

“Shit.” She cursed again and nudged her chin to the glass in my hand.

“Pour me a glass too, I need this shit to help soak up your words.” She shook her head in disbelief.


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