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The Girl He Craves novel (Sophie and Aiden) novel Chapter 62

Sophie’s pov

Either way, I’m getting what I want

Those words rang in my head as I looked at Aiden in disbeliel. I tilt my hcad, my eyes glazing over as I try to decipher if he was serious or not.

This gaze is unwavering

“Is that a threat?” I breathed out in disbelief when he didn’t apologize and say that he hadn’t meant those words.

Ilis story eyes narrowed down on me. “Call it what you want That death trap still goes.”

I shake my head, the tip of my tongue pushing between my teeth “Typical Aiden Xavier Geis what he wants hy bullying and threatening. You’ll never change.”

I said and took a step back “You’re still that same bastard from high school.”

His lips curl up into a snarl. “You weren’t saying that in my orlice yesterday while I was deep inside you.” Ile sneered lowly so only I can hear

I flinched and then regained my composure quickly. I can’t show him that I’m weak anymore. That would only make him feel like he was still


“Don’t bring up a mistake Aiden.”

Ile takes a menacing step forward. “Don’t act like you’d not do that ‘mistake’ again if I want you to puppx;”

My jaw ticked at that name. Here he goes again with that damn name.

I rolled my eyes and tear them away from him. “Don’t kid yourself. The only relationship we’ll ever have from now onward is taking care of Ashton. That is if you still want to be in his life. I know how you’ve never wanted to be a father. No room for kids right?”

“Are you trying to bait me into saying that I don’t want Ashton Sophie? Is this what it really has come to? Youre kept his existence from me and now you’re trying your hardest to keep him away from me?” Aiden snorted in disbelief

I let out a heavy breath and run my fingers through my hair. Leave it to Aiden to try and manipulate my words to make me seem like the only bad guy

We were both the bad guys in this story:

“You’re unbelievable.” I groaned, turning around and walking away. I don’t know where I planned 10 go. Maybe back to the apartment or maybe take a long walk down the street to clear my head.

But it’s not like I had time to figure out where I was going to go

because Aiden’s fingers wrapped around my arm and stopped me from walking any further

His touch burned through my skin despite how angry I am at him right


“Sophie,” He sighed, his voice softening but he doesn’t say anything further. Only grips around my arm firmer.

He starts after a few seconds of silence but a black car rolling up to park just behind the SUV he just caine out of drew his attention and he retracts his hand from my arm.

A young man comes out of the black car with some papers in his hands, Aiden leaves my side and approaches the man

I turn around to look at them in confusion. Ria walks over to me and nudges me using her arm.” What’s that’s about?” She nudges her chin to Aiden and the young man who’s handing him the papers.

I tilt my head. “I have no idea. But apparently, he bought me a new car.” I sighed, looking back at Mary who was already hooked to the tow truck

I chewed my bottom lip in anger. It was clear that whatever I say now would be of no use, Aiden got his way like he always did.




The only difference was that I’d not let him get his way as casily as he

once did.


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