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The Girl He Craves novel (Sophie and Aiden) novel Chapter 65

Sophie’s pov

“I really hope to God you know what you’re doing Soph. Aiden seems to be even more powerful now than he was when we were in high school.” Mila said with concern in her voice.

She would be the one dropping Ash off today at the daycare while I stay home and search online for job openings before I decide to go back to work at the diner.

Sure it wasn’t bad to work there but I think it was time for a change.

“Where’s the girl who would help fight Aiden tooth and nail with me?” I asked with a teasing lifted brow as I fixed Ashton’s shirt.

Mila rolled her eyes while crossing her arms over her chest.” She’s still here, just now more cautious. He’s powerful Soph, anyone would be afraid of him. Is it that bad that he wants you to still work for Bernard? I mean, Bernard is a good man and I’m sure an even better boss….

She trailed off, looking at me with concern.

I sighed heavily and picked up Ashton.

“Mila I can’t keep bending to his will anymore, not when I have someone’s little heart to protect. I need to stand my ground in case one day he decides to hurt us. I’ll protect my son with all I have.” I said while looking down at Ashton in my hold.

He’s playing with the truck print on my oversized shirt. I wasn’t kidding when I said I was staying home to go job surfing online.

Aiden can dry out like a prune in his office, he’ll not be seeing my face again at Harrington.co.

I refuse to be his puppet.

Sighing heavily my eyes sweep to my phone. I had yet to call Bernard even though he had given me more than ten missed calls.

I was just so unsure of how to tell him everything. Even more unsure of how to tell him that Ashton’s dad was none other than the blue-eyed devil.

How would he react?

“I just don’t want you to regret another decision Soph. I know you regretted more than anything about keeping Ash existence away from Aiden. I don’t want to see you so torn again. It hurts me to see you like this.” Mila whispered.

I licked my suddenly dry lips and brushed my fingers through my hair. “Don’t bring that up Mila.” I whispered.

I didn’t want to be reminded of my poor decisions. I didn’t want to be a crying mess again.

She nods, looking at me apologetic for bringing it up. “I’m sorry Soph. I just care about you, you know that? I know what Aiden can do and how much he can hurt you.”

I nod. “And I get that Mila. But I know what I’m doing this time. I’m not the same naive school girl that doesn’t know how to guard her heart. I know how to fight him now Mila. I’ll be fine.” I promised even though I didn’t believe the words I let out of my mouth.

Mila nods but I can tell she doesn’t believe my words either. She lifts her wrists to look down at her watch. “Well it’s seven thirty, do you think that ‘Mitch’ man is outside waiting?”

She asked while prying Ash out of my hold and into hers.

I chewed on my bottom lip and walked to the window. There, parked on | the side of the road was the familiar black SUV.

He’s on time.

“He’s out waiting. Remember what I told you to say when he asked about me?” I whip around to look at her.

With a wince, she nods. “I’m supposed to tell him to tell Aiden that you’re not bending to his will, right?”

I nod and look down at Ash. “Cover his ears. “I told her.

When she does so I uttered. “And to also tell Aiden to go eat shit. Make sure you cover Ashton’s ears when you tell him that one.” I warned.

She nods quickly and picks up her bag. “Call me if anything…” She trailed off

I nod. Mila was getting worried for nothing. It’s not like Aiden would force me to Harrington.co himself…..

After saying our goodbyes and kissing Ash on his head, Mila walks out of the apartment. I wait beside the window, chewing my bottom lip while my heart beat furiously in my chest.

Aiden would surely blow a fuse when Mitch passes him my message.

I smirked.

Mila’s pov

“Let’s hope your mama knows what she’s doing Ash,” I whispered as I opened the door and walked out of the apartment building.

The black shiny SUV is parked beside the curb and from here, I couldn’t catch a glimpse of the driver.

My brows furrowed as I approached the car. Where’s the Mitch guy?

As I removed the distance separating the SUV and me, I finally caught the glimpse of the driver. He’s slumped on the seat and seemed to be trying to make himself appear smaller. Or perhaps invisible.

I snorted and tried to open the door. It doesn’t budge. Walking over to the driver’s side, I knocked on the glass lightly.

Mitch jumps in startlement, his wide frightened eyes landing on me. When he sees that I meant no harm he smiles in embarrassment and unlocks the door.

Shaking my head, I walked back to the backseat and opened the door. I’m surprised that there’s a car seat waiting for Ash already.


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