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The Girl He Craves novel (Sophie and Aiden) novel Chapter 72

Sophie’s pov

Fury began to bubble within me as I drink in his words.

He didn’t seem fazed, or cared about how arrogant he came across. He’s acting like what he said wasn’t at all disrespectful.

Arrogant, annoying ass.

“What do you mean I don’t have a choice in this Aiden!?” I snapped glaring at him. If only it was possible to bury him.

with such a stare.

Aiden’s nonchalant face doesn’t move. “I mean you don’t have a say in being my secretary Sophie. Is that so hard for you to understand?” One of his brows slicks up in a taunting lift.

I throw my hands up in frustration. “No, I don’t understand! Why would you make me your secretary Aiden!?”

He crossed his ankles and with the way his teeth trapped his bottom lip for a second, I knew that he was on the verge of smiling.

“Why else would I make you my secretary Sophie? If not to keep you close to me?”

He was baiting me. I was sure of it. The way his eyes twinkled showed me so.

“So you admit you just want to keep an eye out on me then? Why?” I seethed in annoyance.

“Why?” He tilted his head and looked at me in amusement. Was he really taking me as his source of entertainment?

He pretended to think. “Why would I want to keep the mother of my child close to me?” He hums, tapping his index finger on his cheek in a thinking manner.

“Don’t try to make this about Ashton Aiden. You and I both know that’s not why you’re forcing me to be your secretary. You want revenge on what I did to you and that’s an easy way to do it if I’m going to be at your every beck and call.” I snapped, frustration boiling and simmering with that anger inside me.

Aiden’s lips curled into a smirk and the storm in his gaze turn hazy. “Revenge? Now, who said anything about revenge?” He chuckled.

I have to give him props for acting so indifferent and pretending to not have a clue of where I’m trying to get at.

I shook my head. It was obvious he’d not admit that he wanted revenge on me. Aiden was after all way too smart to fall into a trap like this.

“You’re frustrating! I don’t want to be your secretary Aiden! I’ll go back to work with Bernard but I don’t want to be your secretary.” I huffed.

The storm in his eyes turns cold and then darkens. I feared I had just woken up the lion from his slumber.

He pinned me down with that stare and a shiver so cold and electrifying curled down my spine.

His jaw clench and popped and I knew that my words had upset him. Because gone was the indifferent look and now hello to the angry look.

“Are you fucking him?” He asked through clenched teeth. If this was a cartoon show, Aiden would have smoke coming out of his ears.

I blanched in shock. What the hell?

“What?” I asked, my eyes widening in shock.


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