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The Girl He Craves novel (Sophie and Aiden) novel Chapter 81


Aiden’s pov

Austin gave me many pointers that I would definitely use.

Don’t rush.

Don’t be too impulsive.

Don’t get angry at her much.

Give her time to warm up to the idea of her not being the only one to take care of Ashton alone.

Give her reasons to trust me.

Treat her with respect.

I can do those simple things….

Except, maybe I’d have a little trouble with moving slowly with her. I’ve always wanted that woman, I craved that woman for years. Now that we would always be tied together forever because of our son, there was nothing that can be in my way to get her.

Well except for her heart and mind. This two had a vindic- tive over me, I was sure.

I shake my head. Of course I had to get her heart first if I even want her…

I looked over at the clock. It was almost twelve. Almost noon. Lunchtime.

This was a nice way to do something for her. Maybe if I buy her lunch she’d not be so angry. Though she had a good reason to be. She did see that dirty thong in the drawer and that stupid note that suggested I had sex with Noel. Which I did not!


Some can be snakes when they want to. I’ll have that bitch pay dearly. I will leave a bad review for her and spoil her name. I want to see if she can get herself a new job and get herself out of the gutter.

I would feed her, her karma personally.

She should’ve known I’d retaliate after she pulled that stunt and made Sophie build back those walls I was trying to break. And sure it wasn’t close to breaking but it did crack a bit when I pulled her into my arms and kissed her.

I felt her melt into me. Her mouth had turned soft and she definitely kissed me back.

She was still attracted to me, especially with how she gave in to me yesterday. And sure I said something nasty and un- forgiving to her but I hope that she would someday find it in her to forgive me for my stupid words.

Sometimes I believe I should have a filter or a damn tape on my mouth. I say the stupidest shit at the wrong time and now it has cost me more.

My words had scarred her into not trusting herself to give in to me. I had a lot to fight against but I wasn’t one to back down.

I don’t care how long it takes, Sophie will be mine and we will be a family.

I just need to tread these waters carefully and hopefully, she’d open up to me and weaken those walls. For now, I need to work on making her trust me.

I picked up the phone and dialed her. She picks up quickly and her soft voice sends a shock to my cock that stirred.

That’s something I need to work on too. When it comes to her my cock doesn’t really know when to calm down.


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