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The Girl He Craves novel (Sophie and Aiden) novel Chapter 87


Sophie’s pov

Why does he have a picture of me in his penthouse?

My mind is racing. Thoughts of possible reasons he’d have my photo up.

None made sense.

Aiden’s hold slackens a bit and I knew he sensed my ques- tioning stare.

I’m loss, a standstill.

My thoughts are creating havoc in my mind and all I can do was pray that he’d tell me what I wanted to know before I go insane.

But knowing Aiden, he’d beat around the bush before telling me anything.

Sergio’s eyes dipped to Aiden’s hold around my waist, his eyes flickering with irritation.

This man really didn’t know me yet seemed to sneer at my sight like I had done something to him….

Well, you did cause his grandson to go to jail….

He doesn’t remember me though. Well, hopefully, he doesn’t.

“Yes,” Sergio said dryly. “How can I forget? You have it in the Manhattan penthouse right?”

Aiden nods.

Sergio lifted his hands to his chin and rubbed his skin in thought. “Just last week you were with countless women. Women I couldn’t count only on my fingers, I had to add my toes too. And now you want me to believe you’re in love with. this woman?”

I stiffen.

I should bail the ship. I should remove myself from this sit- uation before it escalates. Nothing good will come out of ly- ing to the chairman of the company.

This man looked sharp. He was not one to be messed with.

Yet, something let my mouth remain muted.

“We were going through a rough patch for a few weeks. It took her leaving me, for me to realize I couldn’t do without her. We’re now engaged, I have no craving for other women only her now. ” Aiden said cliply.

My heart skips a beat.

Aiden was so good at pretending and lying that I almost believed his words.

Sergio looks at us like a hawk. A very sharp look in his eyes. This man was not easily fooled. It was that obvious.

What made Aiden think we can fool him?

And how long does he want to fool him?!

I had not signed up to pretend to be his secretary nor did I

sign up to be his fake fiance.

Sergio nod and then rises off the chair while fixing his tie. “I have an important meeting to attend and have no time to waste. Aiden,”

Aiden mutters a yes coldly, which was a bit shocking. Isn’t Sergio his grandfather?

What’s with the cold dead tone he’s been regarding him

with the entire conversation?

These two do not seem like they see eye to eye. Which was probably the reason why Aiden decided to lie about us.


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