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The Good Girl's Revenge novel Chapter 628

When Meredith heard this, she had an inexplicable premonition.

"If it's about Parker's privacy, you can keep it to yourself."

Meredith was not a person who liked to pry into other people's privacy, so she immediately said so.

Jenny shook her head and looked into Meredith's eyes. "Haven't you ever thought about why Parker was so good to you from the very beginning and could even sacrifice so much for you?"

Meredith was stunned.

She thought about how they meet. From the beginning, Parker had been very good to her. Sometimes, he was too nice.

At first, Meredith didn't get used to it, but then she became numb. Now that she thought about it, it was strange.

"Let me tell you a story. Once upon a time, there was a very beautiful and outstanding girl in college, who was named as the most beautiful girl in the university. When she attended a school event, she met a man by accident. He was very handsome, and his family background was strong. He fell in love with her at first sight. After a period of pursuit, the two of them were together.

She thought she had found her true love. But one day in class, a rich lady found her and slapped her. It turned out that the man was already married, and she had become a mistress without knowing it. Then she broke up with that man, but she was pregnant.

She wanted to abort the child, but the man refused. He said that his marriage was for family interests at first, and he didn't love his wife at all. That girl couldn't believe him, so she dropped out and left the city where she grew up. When the man found out about this, he immediately chased after her, but nobody expected to have a car accident and he died. "

Meredith listened to Jenny with a frown. It was a tragic story, but it didn't seem to have anything to do with Parker.

"Don't worry, you keep listening. That girl gave birth to a child in a remote town, but because she was weak and died on the operating table due to dystocia, she didn't meet the man who ruined her life until the end, and the man's wife became a widow because of this. She hated that girl who had destroyed her family to the bone, and when she learned that the girl was dead, she started targeting the child.

Under her intervention, the child had moved through many orphanages but had never settled down and lived a vagrant life all day long. In order to survive, he had to choose to enter the dark underground world to seek a possibility. He was very lucky to succeed. He found out that everything that had happened in the past had been done on purpose, so he decided to retaliate. In order to make the rich lady suffer, he figured out a method, which was to lay a hand on her only son... "

When Meredith heard this, she vaguely guessed something, and her heart beat very fast.

Could it be that...

"However, the woman's son was difficult to deal with, so the child put the idea on hold. At this time, one of his contacts was killed by the mistress that the man kept, and he found the woman. The woman begged him for mercy that she could do everything as long as he could let her go. He asked her to let that woman deal with Derek. If she succeeds, he will spare her.

He didn't have any hope at all, but he didn't expect that woman to actually succeed. She hit Derek with her car, ran away, and then made her sister take the blame... "

Meredith's face turned pale after hearing this.

She never thought the truth would be like this.

Chapter 628 1

Chapter 628 2


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