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The Hidden Luna Queen (Maeve and Xaden) novel Chapter 13

Chapter 13 

Maeve POV 

Xaden’s body trembled with restrained rage as he carried me down a long hallway, past open gilded windowswhere I could see the sun barely beginning to setdraped with red and goldaccented curtains, and paintings of what appeared to be royal portraits

He didn’t speak a word. Not even a sound

Still, he captured my enraptured attention

As I looked at him, I was hypnotized by the details of his handsome featuresthe surprising softness of his lips. the stubble that dusted above his upper lip. This close, I could even see a small scar across his prominent chin

Faintly, I caught a whiff of his cologne, carried by the wind as he stormed through the mansiona crisp, cool sort of scent that reminded me of lakesides and pine trees in an autumn forest. With a sigh, I burrowed into his chest, digging my thin fingers into the thick of his lapel, wanting to envelop myself in everything he was

I could feel his heartbeat. Furious and wild against his ribcage

He’s angry, I thought in the silence. He’s very angry

Kaden brought us to a large door at the end of the corridor. With a kick from his booted foot, the door flew open and he strode inside, slamming it shut once more with a powerful swing of his shoulder, isolating us from the rest of the mansion

Looking around, it was apparent we were now inside the grand master bedroomPrince Xaden’s private quarters. Shrouded in darkness, except for slivers of light peeking through the curtains, I could barely make out the details of the room. The only thing I could clearly see was a large canopy bed draped by bloodred silk curtains around each of the four frame posts, sitting against the far wall on a raised section of the room

After placing me on the bed, he leaned his forehead against mine. I went still, not wanting to ruin this moment. He caressed the sides of my face, breathing long and deep, trying to calm himself down

Maeve.. I need answers.” 


I’ve known you not even two days and yet, whenever I find you, someone is there to cause harm. I just.. I can’t wrap my mind. around it.” 

I opened my mouth to dispute himbut he was not wrong. 

Please help me understand, Maeve,” Xaden begged, clutching onto my arms with tight, white knuckles, but not enough to hurt me. The desperation in his voice twisted something inside me, and I felt compelled to tear my gaze away from his beseeching one. Why does everyone treat you so horribly?” 

I don’t know” 

I refuse to believe that they abuse you for no apparent reason,” he said sterly, clearly not wanting to take no for an answer. They must have said something to you. Even the smallest of hints” 

I don’t know what to tell you.” 

You can tell me why you’ve avoided my eyes since we started talking” 

Startled, I forced myself to look at Xaden

Xaden watched me with careful considerationDo you think someone will come after you if you say something?” 

I froze. He was getting closer to the truth. NNo

Then I need you to be open and honest. Confide in me.. trust meplease- 

The fraught worry in his voice made me lose my composure, and I crumpled. “I can’t.” 

He paused, his brow furrowing. You can’t be open with me!” 

No, I meant- 

You meant that you can’t trust me.” 

The blood drained from my face as I realized my slipup. I opened my mouth in the hopes of refuting him, but I was unable to find the words. I could still hear Father and Victoria whisper in my car, warning me what would happen if I ever exposed myself, and I suddenly found myself back at the house that haunted my dreams

II couldn’t tell him the truth

I thought something was off in the carI wanted to believe that maybe you still needed some time to breathe.. maybe coming to my home would help you realize that you are not stuck inside that wretched house any longer.All anger and desperation fell from Xaden’s face until there was nothing but pain, and I felt my heart clench. But none of this means anything if you can’t trust me.” 

1 began to panic. Please don’t give up on me. I wanted to plead

Xaden, that’s not what I meant!I gasped, lunging for his hand, falling to my knees in front of him

He didn’t respond to my touch. He just knelt there, still like a statue

I do,I said fervently with a quivering breath as tears began to pool. I trust you more than anyone else in my lifemore than you can ever begin to comprehend.” 

He watched me through veiled eyes

And, squeezing his hand, I looked back at him with all of my heart and soul, hoping he could see and feel my sincerity, even if he couldn’t believe it. I want to tell you everything. I want to be able to live without this heavy burden and just be freebut II can’t.. not when it comes at the cost of others.” 

Admitting all of this aloud only solidified what I feared the most 

II choked up, heavy with emotion, hanging my head, I don’t think I can ever escape this” 


room was

was silent for what seemed like forever until I heard a small sigh

Xaden tilted my chin up so that I had no choice but to look at him, and then he pressed his lips against mine. Chaste and full of warmth but I could still feel his passion hidden underneath it, real and raw and wonderful. His gentle touch paralyzed methis had to have been a dream

It ended after what felt like forever and mere seconds all at once

Don’t cry,” he cooed, caressing my cheeks with soft swipes of his thumbs If it hurts too much for you to talk about it, then I won’t ask anymore. But that doesn’t mean I won’t look into the matter myself

I was stunned. You you kissed me” 

I did,” he said, tucking stray strands of hair behind my ear. Is that alright!” 

Halflistening, I nodded vaguely in response. WWhy did you do that?” 

Because I wanted to.” 

My mind spun. No one ever said things like that to me. I was never the type of girl whose beauty turned heads.. so why did the prince go out of his way to make me feel like the most desired girl in the world

He kissed me again. This one is because you captivate me.” 

My wet eyes fluttered shut and I sighed, melting into his touch

And thishe murmured, kissing me once morelingering and full of yearning. is a promiseto protect you and always be there for you

A tear slid down my cheek, and I opened my eyes. As more began to fall, my vision blurred ever so slightly, but Xaden brushed them away. He might have said he was confused, but I was the one whose mind was left reeling uncontrollably. Ever 

since the night we met, he’d treated me with nothing but kindness

This wasn’t because of the baby

If anything, his learning about the pregnancy only seemed to enhance it

Why are you always so nice to me..I whispered. I had an inkling of his feelings, but I needed to hear him say it. I needed to know it was not a figment of my imagination


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