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The Hidden Luna Queen (Maeve and Xaden) novel Chapter 2

Maeve POV

None of these words could adequately describe what I felt at that moment. Had I heard him correctly?

I… could go to Sarah’s party?

“Why is she allowed to come?” Sarah whined. “It’s my birthday party!”

Father approached the open car door and affectionately patted her decorated head. “I know, dearest, but the Royal family knows I have two daughters. They expect Prince Xaden to meet you both at the party.”

I could feel Victoria’s sharp gaze pierce me like daggers. Swallowing, I purposefully avoided eye contact with her.

I should’ve known. He didn’t really want me there.

“Then… why does she need a new dress?”

“Imagine if word began to spread that I mistreat my daughter. The reputation our family worked so hard to build would fall apart. You don’t want the Alpha Prince to get angry with me, do you?”

Sarah sulked. “Well… no, but…”

“Tell you what,” Father cooed. “How about you get five new dresses this time? Any five dresses you want.”

“I want ten!”

Father smiled, and the sight made my chest pang. “Anything for my princess.” I’d never seen this side of him unless it concerned my sister. He would do anything to see her happy, to make her dreams come true.

And he couldn’t even spare me a passing glance as I walked to the car.

Our driver shut the door behind me, and we left Moonstone for the capital. The drive itself was simple enough, despite being an hour long, and Sarah managed the whole trip by sitting as far away from me as the car allowed, without so much as a word. I didn’t mind—I rarely got to visit the capital, let alone leave the packhouse, so I used the opportunity to take in as much of my surroundings as possible.

The scenery, the buildings, the people…

I wanted to experience everything like it was the last time.

Something about the capital always took my breath away, and as we exited the car, the reason struck me once more. With its modern skyscrapers and clean streets filled with happy people, it was a far cry from the cold, conservative pack my father ran where I always walked on eggshells.

Breathing the fresh capital air, I felt weightless.

But this was Sarah’s territory, not mine. She knew this place like the back of her hand, whether to meet friends or shop on her own.

As we explored the capital’s grandest shopping mall, stopping at every high-end boutique Sarah could find, it was obvious she had no intention of shopping for me. Every dress she picked out and tried on was catered to her tastes alone. And she made sure to preoccupy me by making me follow her around and carry all of her boxes and bags.

It didn’t seem to matter that it meant disobeying Father’s orders. She was perfectly keen on keeping me out of the picture as much as possible.

This day was for her.

“I love this store!” Sarah exclaimed as a store clerk rang up her items. “I can always find such beautiful dresses here!”

“They’re only as beautiful as the woman wearing them.” The clerk smiled at Sarah’s delighted face before turning to me, his smile swiftly disappearing, as he handed over a bag. Of course, he was one of many who assumed I was a mere omega servant. “Don’t soil these.”

I sighed, taking the bag. This is going to be a long day.

Hours had passed since we began shopping and the sun started to set. I was overwhelmed with bundles of Sarah’s purchases, but she still wasn’t satisfied. So, we wandered through the last boutique on her list.

Suddenly, one dress in particular caught my eye, not because of its extravagance, nor did it have a trendy designer name on the label. It was a simple, white chiffon dress with delicate lacework on the bodice and sleeves that could be mistaken for one of Sarah’s nightgowns, but there was beauty in its simplicity. None of the other girls who vied for the Alpha Prince’s attentions would wear such a dress.

And that, I thought, made it special.

“Um, what about this one?” I offered. “It’s not as luxurious but it’s still quite lovely—”

“Do you even hear yourself?” she said with a sneer, not bothering to spare a glance in my direction. “If it’s not exquisite enough to catch the attention of Prince Xaden, then I want nothing to do with it. Now, be a good mutt and shut your mouth.”

My jaw clenched. “I was only trying to—”

“If you like it so much, why don’t you put it on?” she muttered, distracted by a gaudy line of rose-pink dresses. “A boring dress for a boring servant.”

Her rude comments made me fume, but I stayed silent.

I did need an outfit for her birthday, after all. And, looking at the dress, I knew I could do way worse as far as options went, and I certainly wouldn’t feel comfortable wearing something of Sarah’s style.

Maybe I should try it on…

After a few minutes in the boutique dressing room, I emerged wearing the simple dress.

And for a moment, Sarah actually looked rather stunned. “It’s…”

“Beautiful!” A passing group of girls stopped to gawk at me in the dress, thus attracting the attention of other nearby customers, and I couldn’t help but blush at the sudden attention. “That looks like it was made for you!”


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