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The Hidden Luna Queen (Maeve and Xaden) novel Chapter 20

Chapter 20

Xaden POV

Today had been another long day. From early morning until the dead of afternoon, I’d been in and out of the palace. Trapped between meetings with government officials and my royal duties as Alpha Prince, I hardly had any time to myself.

Then again…

When do I ever? I thought snidely.

Still, despite everything, I forced myself to take some time off throughout the day. But not for myself. For her.

For Maeve.

There was something about being by her side–even just being able to see her in front of me with my own eyes–that soothed the restless spirit inside me. Her scent, of course, was mouth–watering and completely mesmerizing, but this had nothing to do with my physical attraction to her.

I wanted to be with her. So much so that I would have rather taken passing moments than go hours without ever seeing her.

Never in my life had I ever felt that way about someone but I never wanted to let that feeling go again.

This was why I found myself filled with unusual energy, despite my tedious day, and the car ride to the mansion could not have been any longer. The moment we rolled to a stop, I all but threw myself out of the car and bolted up the steps and into the foyer.

Immediately, Maggie was there to greet me… but not Maeve.

“Welcome home, Your Highness,” she said with a low bow.

“Where’s Marve?” I asked, trying to appear nonchalant, but brimming with anticipation. “I’d like to see my Luna.”

My Luna. The words alone made my heart soar.

“Miss Maeve went upstairs to rest in your quarters. She’s had a long day on her feet and her exhaustion finally caught up her,


Admittedly, my spirits sank a little after hearing that. I’d been looking forward to asking about the rest of her day and the sorts of things she and Maggie had bought at Mona Road–to commit to memory the way her eyes sparkled, the bashful, giddy smiles, the youthful blush against her adorable freckled skin.

Still, it warmed me up to hear she could relax in her new home.

I nodded. “I’m glad she’s taking it easy,” I murmured, shrugging off my coat. “Il check on her and see how she’s doing.”

“Um.. sire, if I may..”

The nerves in her voice made me turn around “What is it, Maggie?”

“Something happened in the square that I think you should know about,” she uttered with a grimace. “Miss Maeve seemed al bit reluctant to want to bring it up with you, but I assured her I would handle it”

Unease began to boil inside me. “What happened?”

“She encountered her sister.”

My stomach sank with dread. Alpha Burton had sworn to me he would punish Sarah accordingly, but I should have known. better than to trust that fool and leave Maeve by herself. “Sarah was in the capital? Alone?”

“It appeared so.”

“Maeve didn’t get hurt, did she?” I questioned frantically.


‘s eyes widened and she held up her hands in an attempt to placate. “Oh, no, my Lord–nothing happened of the sort at all. But she spoke down on Miss Maeve with especially callous language.


Chapter 20

I could only imagine the sort of things she said. The tantrum at her birthday party gave me enough hints.

“Thank you, Maggie,” I said, tightening my jaw. “I’ll take care of it.”

Once I dismissed her, I rushed to my bedroom and, sure enough, Maeve was curled up on the bed, still in her clothes from earlier, in the middle of what looked like a peaceful nap. I brushed some hair out of her face, unable to help myself, and she hummed, melting into my touch.

Somehow, she had become my whole heart in just a matter of days. And I would be damned if I ever let her experience another day of anguish at the hands of her family ever again.

I needed to know why they all treated her so poorly.

With clenched fists, I left the bedroom and encountered Prime Beta Burke in my study.

“Burke, please find all possible existing records you can that pertain to Alpha Burton or his household,” I ordered, feeling a surge of newfound vigor. “Spare no effort. I want to uncover any secrets they’re hiding.”

I was going to get to the bottom of this, whether Maeve wanted me to or not.

Maeve POV

“Here are the last of the deliveries, Miss Maeve, Maggie said, smoothing out the dresses as they lay flat across the bed. “I have to admit, those pretentious boutique workers made good work ensuring everything was wrapped carefully and delicately.”

That’s only because they knew it was a shipment for Xaden, I wanted to say.

Instead, I bit my cheek. There was nothing to be gained from grumbling.

Chapter 0020 1

Chapter 0020 2


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