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The Hidden Luna Queen (Maeve and Xaden) novel Chapter 30

Chapter 30 

Maeve POV 

The moment I entered the room, everyone’s eyes were suddenly on me

It almost felt like another scene from one of those romantic fairytales I liked to read, where everyone turned to gawk at the newcomer princess who wore the most beautiful dress in the entire castle

Perhaps if I had more confidence in myself, I would share that feeling. Or perhaps if I were modeling the dress for Xaden alone, I would feel worthy of being called his princess

But it was hard to feel beautiful when the room was halffilled with critical stares

There was no room for error here. I was summoned so the royal family could see just what sort of woman Xaden entangled himself with. But, upon glancing at him, I saw nothing but relief and adoration written across his face

He believed in me right now. and that gave me the little courage I needed

I took a shaky deep breath, curtseying as best I could. YYour Majesty..I greeted, soft but clear. I’m honored to meet you.” 

This was my first time meeting Alpha King Arlan, and as I took him in for the first time, I understood perfectly how he earned the title. Father used to always sing his praises about the greatness of our king, whether it be in the heat of battle or the calm of diplomacy, and how he always commanded the room, no matter what he did. All King Arlan did was sit in his chair in that conference room and I was shaking where I stood

So,” the king muttered, scanning me over with green eyes similar to Xaden’s The girl of the hour finally arrives.” 

I blushed. What did he mean by that

Xaden quickly approached me and rested his hand, warm and comforting, on the small of my back. And I felt like, with him beside me, I could conquer anything. This is Maeve,” he said without wavering. my future Luna” 

I smiled politely, but it quickly dropped when the king’s stare intensified. I have heard many things about you over the last hour,he said, taking on a cold, calculated tone that chilled me. Much of it has not been good” 

My stomach plummeted. What could he have heard about me

IIs there something I can- 

Indeed!Isabelle spoke up, suddenly making her presence known, and I stiffened. Now that she’s here, she can demonstrate for herself the extent of her etiquette skills. That will show if she’s worthy of the title of Luna or not.” 

Xaden attempted to protest. Isabelle- 

When answering palace summons,she began, intent on testing how deeply she could humiliate me, is it preferred to show up early or prompt and on time?” 

Nervously, I bit my lip. Maggie hadn’t covered that in her impromptu lesson. Umearly..?” 

Isabelle smirked. That’s incorrect. You should never show up earlier than you are asked to. That’s considered disrespectful of the other party’s time.” 

The king huffed in a show of blatant disapproval, making me sink into myself

Xaden tightened his hold on me. Isabelle, that’s-” 

But she ignored him, continuing to ask questions that only one would know if they truly had the knowledge or etiquette experience. She knew better than anyone else here how little I was able to attend such grand events, and she took advantage of that. With every question she asked, she only proved her point, showing just how incapable I was

I would only embarrass Xaden if I became his Luna

Humiliated tears prickled in my eyes as I dug my fingers into the skirt of my dress

Isabelle, that’s enough!Xaden roared from beside me

Unfazed, she shrugged. I’ve made my point, I’m only looking out for you, dearyou should find someone who actually knows a thing or two about etiquette.” 

A loud huff from Charlotte surprised the room. Honestly, Isabelle,she scolded. You’re one to talk about etiquette.” 

Isabelle dared to look affronted. Excuse me?” 

Briskly, Charlotte left the room for a few seconds and returned with my stompedon dress in hand, and upon seeing the dress, Isabelle turned ashen. I found this girl, anxietyridden and moments away from tears, wearing this mess of a dress in the bathroom,she confronted. Is that what you would call etiquette?” 

The revelation seemed to have further infuriated Xaden. I could feel his anger roll off him in hot waves, but I latched onto his arm, both to keep him close and to calm him down

Isabelle stuck her chin up, trying to put on a brave face. Are you trying to say that I somehow am at fault for ruining that dress? It’s just dirt.” 

Charlotte held up the dress to show off the shoe prints more closely, where upon closer inspection, faint heartshaped soles could be seen in the dirt patterns. Nobody else in the palace wears high heels with heartshaped soles patterns like this. At least, no one but you” 

That stunned Isabelle into silence

I couldn’t help but feel impressed by how observant Princess Charlotte was. Even I had no idea her shoes left such a mark

The eldest Alpha Prince looked shocked. Did you do that, Isabelle?” 

No!Isabelle insisted fiercely. What reason would I possibly have to sabotage the dress of Xaden’s little lover?” 

“You tell me,” Charlotte said with a frown. I can hardly believe your criticisms of her come from a good place.” 

That shoe print did not come from me! I hold nothing against this girl!” 

No, Isabelle,a young man spoke up with a frown. Judging by his youthful appearance and physical similarities to Xaden, I deduced him to be Lucas, the Fourth Prince. All you’ve done since we’ve gathered here is ridicule and mock this poor girl. when she only came here to answer our summons. I refuse to believe your intentions to be anything but hostile.” 

Seeing how the princess and her elder brother were so willing to stand up for me, despite not even really knowing who I was, was like nothing I had ever experienced. Xaden did so because of his feelings for me, and Maggie possibly did so out of loyalty to Xaden, but these two had no attachments to me at all

I was incredibly touched

Isabelle.Henry gaped. I had no idea you were capable of being so childish.” 

You’re taking their side?she snapped, wideeyed with betrayal. Ever since yesterday, all you’ve done is prattle on and on about those blasted capital rumors you’d heard from your Prime Betal” 

I brought those up because I enjoy getting under my little brother’s skin!he retorted, pointing a finger at Xaden. We are in the middle of the race of our lives and I need whatever leverage I can=” 

You’re my husband! You’re supposed to defend me!” 

How the hell do you expect me to justify actions capable of a fiveyearold?!” 

You bast-1 

That is ENOUGH, you two!Alpha King Arlan bellowed with a powerful slam of his large hands on the table, startling the arguing couple into silence and making me jump in fright. Leave the room at once! This is no place for your marital spats!With Isabelle on the verge of tears and Prince Henry red from outrage, they stormed out of the room without another word

The Alpha King exhaled in frustrated exhaustion, rubbing a tired hand over his statuesque face. Xaden,he said suddenly


catching both his and my attention. This was hardly the ideal meetingbut what’s done is done and I will take everything that transpired into consideration. I take it that you will not change your mind about this?” 

Xaden held onto my hand. No, I will not.” 


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