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The Hidden Luna Queen (Maeve and Xaden) novel Chapter 5

Xaden POV

“Wake up, Your Highness.”

That voice… I recognized that voice… and it was one I was not ready to hear. Frowning, I rolled onto my stomach, burrowing as deep into the bed as possible. It was none other than Burke, my Prime Beta—diligent and reliable as ever, having served alongside me for as long as I could remember and who faithfully helped handle my various royal affairs.

He was my most trusted attendant… and currently an unwelcome guest.

I silently willed him to just—go away.

This time, a resounding knock broke the silence, making me wince. “Prince Xaden, it is time to get up.”

I groaned. Evidently, the man was terrible at reading the room. I blindly reached for the other side of the bed, expecting to touch her… seeking her soothing warmth… but my hand fell flat on the cold mattress.

Huh… did my Beta's presence scare her?

Still half-asleep, I pushed myself onto my elbows and slowly scanned the room through bleary eyes. There was a chance she was still here, hiding somewhere within reach. Maybe she was also in shock after last night’s events.

Nothing sat at the foot of the bed.

No one was by the window.

The bathroom door was wide open, with the inside shrouded in darkness. And her scent, which had been so rich and powerful last night, was reduced to nothing more than a few wisps floating through the air.

So… she left, after all…

With a heavy sigh, I resigned myself to get up and prepare to leave, ignoring the dull ache in my chest. I sloppily threw on my clothes and strode to the bathroom to make myself a bit more presentable. Upon glancing at myself in the vanity mirror, however, I saw distinct markings scattered along the juncture between my neck and shoulder and all over my collarbone… angry, red little indentations.

Bruises? Possible, but… no. No, these were something else.

That little minx, I mused with a smile, lightly touching the bite marks. By the looks of things, they’d not been deep enough to draw blood, but no woman had ever dared to mark me like this before.

As an Alpha Prince, I, of course, had my fair share of women.

Thus, one-night stands were not uncommon outside palace walls.

But I could safely say… I had never met anyone like Maeve, and never had I felt so alive as I did when I was with her. How was it possible for a seemingly ordinary omega to trigger my heat like that when no Alpha daughter ever came close? To trigger a wolf’s heat was something special—not just anybody could do that.

My gaze shifted over to the empty bed, visible from where I stood. I could still envision her… beautiful, breathless, quivering with pleasure underneath me.

Last night meant something to me. Did she feel the same way?

Determined, I set my jaw. I knew what I needed to do.

Without wasting another moment, I tidied myself up. Ran a damp hand through my hair to make it look a little less bedraggled, tucked my shirt back under my belt, and buttoned up my wrinkled dress shirt… though I decided to leave the top two buttons undone, subtly showcasing my trophies from last night.

“Burke, come here.”

My Beta swiftly entered the hotel room and dipped his head. “Is everything alright, Your Highness?

“I need you to do something for me.”

“Of course.”

“Find the omega girl named Maeve,” I said, loosely looping my tie around my neck. “I must see her again.”

Maeve POV


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