A little thrill goes through me as I look around the Land of Darkness and realize that I am, for the first time in weeks, outside of my stupid little cage. I glance back at the little nest of pillows and blankets that I left there – that I usually sleep in at night – and a laugh bubbles out of my throat. Because I’m free – at least for now – and I’m going to get some damn answers.
I turn to my left and stride away along the distance that I think is the hall I’ve walked down a couple of times at Gabriel’s side. I go to where I think the end should be and look left and right, trying to remember the layout of the castle. To the right is the more public parts of the palace – meeting rooms and all that – but to the left…
I take a deep breath and just go for it, knowing that experimentation is my best chance here. I stride forward a little more, reveling at the relative freedom, and then shift back to Atalaxia to see if I’ve made any progress.
A footman carrying a try about ten feet away from me shrieks and jumps straight in the air when I appear, staring at me like I’m a ghost. I grin at him and looking around, quite pleased to realize that I calculated correctly and am indeed in another hallway – one I haven’t been in before – that leads away from the public parts of the castle.
I turn a bit, recognizing the panicked shouts somewhere around where my room should be, and laugh as I turn back to the hall – taking in the relative length – and disappear again.
Then, in the Land of Darkness, I run forward, delighted as I go, desperate to get to the end of the hall. I meet another iron fence but barely notice it, flashing back to Atalaxia, stepping a few feet forward to the point where I’m beyond the iron fence, and then flashing back to Darkness and starting to run again.
I get the hang of it all fairly quickly, negotiating the palace, flashing back every time I need a point of reference for where I am, and starting to move quickly. I grin as I go, knowing this is going to piss Gabriel off a great deal and glad of it.
I get a great deal of pleasure from pissing him off. Because he deserves it.
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