“Oh, hi!” I gasp, delighted, stepping forward towards him. “You’re one of ours! I know you! Yes, I’m so sorry – I forget your name –“
“Princess,” the man breathes, his eyes wide and unblinking. And then he scrambles to his feet, reaching for me. “Oh my god, Princess –“
“Hi!” I say again, laughing, reaching for his hands. “Please – I don’t think I have a lot of time – is everyone at home okay? Is Jackson here?”
“Your family is fine – J-Jackson? Do you mean Jackson McClintock, Prince Rafe’s friend from school?” His face twists in confusion and I realize, of course, that he has no idea that Jacks is much more to me than he is to my brother.
I smile as I nod eagerly. “Yes, is he part of your delegation?”
“No, highness,” the man says, clinging to my hand and bowing. “The only one of Rafe’s friends who came as part of the delegation was Benjamin Ternicki –“
“Ben?” I breathe, my eyes wide. Then I snap my head around like he’s in the room and I’ve somehow missed him. “Where is he!?”
The man stumbles something out about Ben being somewhere else along this hall and, quite rude in my haste, I immediately slip away to the other world. The next few minutes are hasty as I appear in room after room – usually just flashing to see who is there – but again and again it’s not him, until –
Until I appear in the sixth room, and there he is, sitting at a desk, an Atalaxian cookie on the way to his mouth as he reaches for a cup of coffee.
I just stare at him, shocked and thrilled.
The little cookie falls from Ben’s fingertips.
Simultaneously Ben and I cry out, leaping for each other, and a moment later I’m in his arms, laughing even as tears spring to my eyes as Ben pulls me close to his chest.
“God damn it, Ariel, you scared the hell out of me –“
“You are so weird – how did you appear out of nowhere!? Why are you all wet?”
“Um…blessed by the God of Darkness as a baby or something,” I murmur, taking a deep breath of his lovely, familiar scent. “Also, I just got out of the bath.”
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