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The innocent reject novel Chapter 28

Chapter 28 Alistaire

Aaron's wolf was asking to be let out

He recovered once his mate changed into her wolf form and now the only thing he wanted to do was to protect her

Alistaire (Aaron's wolf) helped healing majority of aaron's wounds except the ones on his wrists where silver chains were burning his skin

Alistaire took control and on turning into his white wolf the silver chains binding him broke free releasing him

He started attacking all the guards who were holding his people hostage

One by one dead bodies started falling on the ground adding to the number already lying there.

This was not just a fight for survival but a fight to protect humanity

A fight of good vs evil

But the thing was that in this you couldn't distinguish good and evil

The thunder wolf was an evil creature ,she was the killer of innocents

then how could they all trust her to be their hero

How could they trust her to be good

Ezra's pov (the thunder wolf)

He was not an ordinary wolf, he was a fire elemental

Flames of fire were all around me and my thunder was dying down because of exhaustion.

I never thought moon goddess made someone similar to me but today I was seeing the similarities

He was as strong as me with those powerful blows and burning flames

He could produce fire with his hands like I could create thunder with my mind

Yes mind,I send electronic signals to my brain who further intensifies them and sends them upwards with 100 times stronger wavelength and amplitude and that's how my mind controls this storm and thunder.

I saw a white wolf with royal marking on his forehead fighting along with me defeating the guards of this red eyed wolf

I felt elated

Elated to see my mate after so long and I must admit he was a complete contrast to me with pure white fur

He was truly the most beautifull wolf I had ever seen in my life

I just wanted a simple life with my mate and me living happily ever after but again we rarely get what we wish for in life

Life has its own set of trials for us and at every step we are tested ,it's our choice to accept it and enjoy the journey or to blame and accuse our fate for every bad thing that happens to us

But maybe after this war is over I think me and Aaron could start over again

We could cover up whatever we missed

But will he accept the thunder wolf as his mate?

I got so distracted by these thoughts that I didn't realise that the red eyed wolf jumped on me and pinned me down

I was lying on the ground and he was showing me his canines ready to sink them into my skin

I thrashed,kicked ,roared but everything was in vain.

His position gave him a upper hand

I felt a burning sensation on my skin to see him attacking me with his fire

My front legs were burning in fire and the burning made me cry in pain

His grip on my legs didn't loosened and now I knew that damage caused by it was going to be permanent

My front legs got numb in pain and recovering them would require all of my left energy which I couldn't afford to loose now

What I was going to do next will be my last chance

I don't know if I will manage to make out of it but trying was my last option now

I have never done this before

But as they say desperate times call for desperate measures

I have to do it now

And with this I closed my eyes and focussed all my power on a single strike of thunder

All the lightning stopped

All the winds died

All the noise ended followed by a deadly silence

My body was aching from the energy leaving my body

Each and every cell protested but I forced this energy at only one point

A single strike of thunder

I knew the repurcussions of this but I also understood what such a situation required

They require a sacrifice and I was ready to give one

Chapter 28 1


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