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The Innocent Wife of Scheming President novel Chapter 163

The hand covering her mouth slowly loosed, then her hands also got some freedom. It was just that she felt the two men sitting next to her were always watching her every move.

"Who are you?"

The man said with laughing,"It doesn't matter who we are. It's important that someone wants to see you."

"Who?" She tilted her ear slightly, the man who spoke to her should be sitting in front of her.

"You will know after seeing later." The man said mysteriously.

"Do I know that person?" She asked again.

"Yes, you know." The man said a little carelessly.

"Then why did you tie me up?"

"You can ask her that by yourself later."

It seemed that she couldn't find any useful information in this man, talking to him was like practising Tai Chi.

After a long time, the car finally stopped. Olive heard the car door open, then the man said, "Miss Steele, please get out of the car."

He also could use the word please, it was not like Ophelia's style, Who on earth was that person?

After she got out of the car, she was immediately helped by two men. She was not so much helped as detained. She didn't know where she was going to be taken, she followed to walk on passively.

"Where is this?"

No one answered, but a voice reminded her that she would go up the stairs. She walked seventy-two stairs in all, she counted in her heart, it should be the third floor.

Then someone said, "please sit down."

It seemed that someone had brought her a chair behind her, after she sat down, she immediately got a rope around her.

"Hey! What on earth do you want to do?" Naturally, she struggled again, but that was just in vain, she was soon trussed up tightly and also couldn't see.

She really regretted that she didn't try to take off the cloth covering her eyes to have a look just now.

But it was too late to say anything.

She heard them go out one after another and the door close, there was silence in the room.


No response.

"Who on earth are you? Deliberately mystifying, what on earth do you want to do?"

Still no one answered, as if she was the only one left in the room.


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