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The Innocent Wife of Scheming President novel Chapter 235

"Daddy takes you to another room." Alan was about to bend down to take her in his arms, but she slipped out of the master bedroom and got into Olive's arms.

"No, you are a man and I am a girl, the teacher said men and women are different, girls can’t show their body to boys.” The little girl had a bunch of big truths.

Olive smiled and picked her up. The five-year-old was getting too heavy to carry. "Well, mommy can take you there."

"Great." The little fellow nodded and leaned over Olive's shoulder and grinned at Alan.

It dawned on Alan that she did not mean to urinate, but to provoke him.

"Ah" he was angry but he also felt it funny, she was so young and treated him as a rival for her attentions. He couldn’t image what will happen when she was older.

This afternoon, with plenty of time, Annie finally succeeded in putting together a jigsaw puzzle that would be difficult for adults.

Alan was not surprised, for the first day he had found it easy for little Annie to complete the puzzle.

He was proud of his daughter, who was a genius, for such a young person with extraordinary sensitivity to pictures and permutations.

He really could not find fault with the little fellow except that she was a little fond of antagonizing him.

At night, when he took them back, Annie fell asleep in the car. Alan stroked his daughter's little face when he arrived, he was feeling very satisfied.

"Olive, thank you for giving me such a good daughter."

Olive smiled faintly. "And I thank you for giving me a daughter to keep me from being lonely these past few years."

She looked down at her daughter's sleeping face with a playful smile and was really glad that she had come back to Luo city and realized that she was pregnant. If in the Jiangcheng, Ophelia and Mother Hoyle knew that, it will be hard for her to keep this child, how will they allow her to leave with a problem.

Olive didn't expect to meet her father and Ivy, whom she hadn't seen in days. At this moment, they got out of the car and Alan looked at Olive and Annie with his gentle eyes.

"Olive, if you don't tell them, I will use my own way to solve it." He didn't want to be with his wife and daughter and had to sneak around.

Olive gave Alan a look. "Why are you in such a hurry? I'm not leaving."

Alan sighed. “I feel like a thief every time I come here to pick you up and see you off. I want to with you without hiding.”

Olive snorted with laughter. "Isn't there a saying that a wife is better off than a concubine, and a concubine is better off stealing? Then you can enjoy it."

"Am I that kind of person?" He knocked her hard on the forehead, but it fall softly, and he wanted nothing more than to be with her without hiding.

Annie, who was in her arms, dreamed something that made her open and close her mouth. Olive began to feel heavy. She hugs her and shrugs, "I'm going to leave. Please drive carefully and give me a message when you get there."

Alan put his head down and kissed on his daughter's face, then he heard someone called Olive’s name behind her.

Olive paused for a moment, then turned to see her father limping toward her with Ivy. "Dad?"


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