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The Innocent Wife of Scheming President novel Chapter 263

Damn these cops didn't know what tenderness is? Olive suddenly thought that the man called He Zizhong was actually quite cute, but since she was locked up in this small house, she hadn't seen him since the beginning, so the meeting at the old tree coffee left her confused and unpredictable about that man's mind, and she was wondering if Qin Ling's case was still under his control.

The police officer who took over the shift had switched the line of questioning to starting with the Angel Hotel, such as the malicious acquisition of the Huang Guan.

Olive felt quite amused, "You guys want evidence to prove these, just feel free to check the Angel Hotel's finances."

Qin Ling's murder now became secondary, who the real murderer didn't seemt to be important to the police. And how to make Alan and the Angel Hotel fall down became the top priority in their eyes.

Human's heart is so strange!

She wondered if Qin Ling would feel sad looking at his parents and uncle in heaven.

She didn't like the dead man, but suddenly she felt sympathy.

When Dave walked into the interrogation room, the dreary, oppressive air seemed to be infused with a breath of fresh air, clearing her muddled mind for a moment.

Olive smiled wearily, and she wanted to say, "Mr. Harrod, you've finally come. " But when she opened her mouth, it was mute, and her lips were so dry that it felt like they were cracking.

Someone came to uncuff her, and when she stood up, she almost fell forward because her limbs were numb and her head was dizzy.

Dave held her quickly before she had close contact with the floor, and when he saw her face, he couldn't help but ask, "How are you? "

"I'm fine." Olive waved her hand, and then she looked at him, wanting to talk.

Dave knew what she was thinking and whispered in her ear as he helped her out, "Don't worry, Alan is fine. "

Hearing that, she finally felt at ease.

Chu Jieren walked up to Cheng Xiongfeng and patted him on the shoulder, sighing, "Old classmate, usually I see you always acting like you're smart, but this time, you seemed to be fooled. "

Cheng Xiongfeng was still not quite understanding the words, until a shocking news broke out in the afternoon, he only realized in hindsight.

Olive retrieved her cell phone, and as soon as she got into the car, she eagerly asked Dave, "Where is Alan now? "

Dave looked at her anxious face and teased, "Didn't you dislike him before? Why are you now so concerned about him? "

Olive rolled her eyes at him. It had been the past and no need to mention it again. She had been so tense all night long, and now she just wanted to relax.


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