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The Innocent Wife of Scheming President novel Chapter 318

Olive Steele's heart was spinning and her head was pounding when she rode the roller coaster and Pirate Ship, but the little girl was giggling so hard that she wanted to go on the bungee jump.

The staff felt that she was too young for this high-impact sport and suggested the bungee jumping of children's version. After all, the risk for such a little child was much higher than that of an adult, and they could not afford to take the blame if something went wrong.

Annie poked Alan Hoyle on the waist, "Mighty Uncle weirdo, I'll leave this difficult task to you. Get it done for me.”

And she put her arms in front of her chest and held her little head high, looking like she was waiting for him to talk her out of it.

"Are you sure?" Alan Hoyle raised his eyebrows.

However, Olive Steele was extremely uneasy about this. Even she herself did not dare to play such an exciting game, so how could she trust her little daughter to do it? Not to mention whether the safety measures here were foolproof or not, within a brittle period, what if Annie accidentally hurt her bones and muscles. Anyway, her face became a little more serious and her tone as well, " Annie, don’t."

Her daughter used to obey her discipline, but today, she was pouting and very uncooperative.

Alan Hoyle, seeing this, patted Olive Steele on the shoulder and reassured her, "It's okay, I'll stay with her."

He then went off to negotiate with the staff, and Olive Steele was glaring at her daughter. The little one, knowing that her mother was angry, came over and hugged her thighs like a puppy, "Mommy, just once, please?"

Alan Hoyle came back and brought the news that the staff would allow Annie to play, which pleased the kid, while Olive Steele had no choice but to acquiesce.

On the little trampoline next to them, a boy was crying so hard that he peed his pants while the little guy even made a funny face at the crowd as the staff tied them together.

Annie’s gesture was adorable in Alan Hoyle's eyes, but still, she was being so bold that she lacked knowledge of safety.

Courage was good but it would have the opposite effect if she went too far.

From the moment the machine started, Olive Steele watched with trepidation as the father and daughter screamed with glee. It was only when they landed safely that her beating heart fell back into her chest.


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