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The Innocent Wife of Scheming President novel Chapter 357

He didn’t tell her before because there was no real evidence and afraid it would inadvertently alert his enemies. He had endured silently for so many years to wait for the old fox showing his tail.

Mrs. Hoyle stood there and the world suddenly seemed to be overturned. She didn’t know whether she should believe in her son or her old friends who had been supporting her for many years.

Alan Hoyle was furious, wanted to grab his wife and hit her in the ass. His mother lived in the hotel where she was. But she didn’t even say a word. He didn’t believe she didn’t know.

It seemed that in the future, he would have to keep an eye on her a little bit more, so that his little girl wouldn’t go missing someday. Although the possibility was very small, as long as it wasn’t a complete non-possibility, there would be a shadow in his heart.

He made a phone call and heard a gentle voice calling him ‘husband’. That tone of hers immediately made his anger vanish like smoke.

“Little girl, why didn’t you tell me that my mom stays in Angel?”

Olive Steele unconcernedly said, “So what? Angel is a hotel and for guests who need place to stay. She can stay as long as she wants. And I just can’t drive her out, right?”

“Aren’t you afraid that she’ll cause trouble to you?”

“It’s fine. I have you as a backer, so what do I need to be afraid of? If I can’t handle her, I will ask my securities. Besides, I can’t keep hiding from here. She’s your mother; my mother-in-law. I still need to face her. It’s good that she lives here, can’t stop us fighting more often. One day we will shake hands and make peace, smile and let bygones be bygones. Husband, I don’t want you be in the middle of this. It’ll make me upset and sad. So, to make my husband happy every day, I can’t hide behind my husband and be a coward. I must face my super super super difficult mother-in-law.”

She pretended to be light and playful, and it warmed his heart. How could he not love this little girl? He didn’t want her to suffer anymore, so he always wanted to protect her under his wings. But the little girl didn’t want to let him bear the pressure alone.

Fearing that he would be worried, his wife assured him, “Don’t worry, my husband. Your little wife will never play missing game again. I swear by my happiness for the rest of my life, no matter how hard the road ahead, I will obediently stay by my husband’s side.”

“Would you dare to misbehave?” Alan Hoyle smiled and hummed, “If you dare to misbehave, I will put a gold steel chain around your neck, tie it to my hand and stay by my side for 24 hours.”

“Can’t you put it on the feet? It’s ugly to put in on the neck,” she murmured and bargained.

Her words caught his attention. Perhaps, he could give her a special gift. He smirked, then coaxed her like a little pet, “Then be good. And I’ll let you be free, looking after you like a queen every day.”

“Mr. Hoyle, I’m very good now. Are you driving now?” She heard background music on the phone. Although that time working with him was very short, but during those short days, she already knew that he was extremely rigorous when he worked. So it was a bit impossible for him listening to music while working.

“Yeah. On my way to sign a contract.”

“Then drive safe. I’m hanging up.”

“Mrs. Hoyle, that eager to dismiss me?” Someone was displeased.


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