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The Innocent Wife of Scheming President novel Chapter 393

“Let me think about it.” Olive paced up and down in the ward. She didn’t think of a good idea for a while, mainly because she was being emotional. No one could bear it after such present.

As she was thinking hard, the door was pushed open. When Lory Ted saw her husband, she smiled, “I knew you will be with Olive. You forget to eat medicine, don’t you?”

The old man secretly winked at Olive.

Olive received it and understood he wanted her to temporarily keep a secret. She returned the old man a look.

The old man grinned and said, “I’m old. I have a bad memory.”

However, Olive thought it was the contrary. He clearly purposely asked his wife to remind him so that she could be at ease. He needed her presence, unlike in the past when he was alone, bearing the illness and hiding from his wife.

After sending the two away, the ward suddenly fell silent. Olive felt that she was surrounded by a deep sadness that couldn’t be removed. For a long time, she couldn’t get over it.

It wasn’t until the afternoon when Chloe had picked up Annie from school that she felt better.

It was just that there was obviously something wrong with the kid.

“What’s wrong, baby? Olive carried her onto the bed and sat.

“Mommy, Dan is gone.” The little girl looked like in the verge of tears, feeling very depressed.

Olive was taken aback. Wasn’t Dan the kid who played with her daughter together at school? “How can she disappear?”

“Dan hasn’t come to school for a week. I asked the teacher for her mother’s phone number and address, but I couldn’t reach her mother’s phone. I asked Mommy Chloe to bring me to her house, the people there said they’ve moved and the house is sold. But, we’re best friends. How can she not tell me that she’s leaving and where has she gone to? Doesn’t she take me as her friend?”

It seemed that Dan had a very important position in her baby’s heart. “Maybe, something happened in her family and she’s too late to tell you.”

“But, at least she can call me. It’s not like she doesn’t know my home’s phone number. How can a friend act like that?” The child felt wronged, feeling like she was abandoned by friendship.

“Then, do you want to find her?” Olive asked her.

Annie nodded, “I want to. I want to ask her why she left without saying goodbye to me.”

Olive patted the little girl’s cheeks. “That’s easy. Ask your daddy, he has great powers and is comparable to Sherlock Holmes. Finding someone is just a small case for him.”

“Really?” Annie’s eyes lit up.

Chloe at the side laughed and said, “When your mommy ever lie to you?”

“Then I will call uncle now.” The little girl asked Olive for her phone.

Alan was driving when he received the call. The special ringtone made him open his mouth without even thinking, “Honey, I’m on my way to the hospital. What’s wrong? You miss me?”

Annie had turned on the speaker, and Chloe teased the woman next to her.

Alan frowned. The voice was wrong. And then he heard a baby-like voice from the microphone, “I’m not your honey, but your baby.”

He laughed, “Oh, my little baby misses me too.”

Annie said, “Yeah, I miss you. I want you to find someone for me.”

If there wasn’t the second half sentence, it was heartwarming. It was just that his daughter needed something, how could a father just stand by?

After he listened to the little girl’s explanation. He smiled and said, “You just want to look for someone. Just say the word. As long as they haven’t left Luo City, you can meet her tomorrow.”

Hearing his confidence answer, the little girl then happily hung up the phone. And then she became interested in the beautiful pictures of the magazine on the table.

Olive told Chloe about the problem that Norton threw to her, wanting her to share her own thoughts.

The two people thought about it and couldn’t find a good idea, but in a flash of inspiration, they blurted out in the same time, “Shoot an MV.”

In compare of all the other gifts Norton had even given over the years, he had given so many, the only thing missing was a spirited memento.

Chloe said, “We can shoot a super long version MV and use their story to write a script. We include all the places where they have lived, making him and his wife as the only main characters. Of course, if you want to keep this as a secret from Mrs. Geve temporarily, you can only secretly photograph her. If Norton’s condition doesn’t allow for on-side shooting, we can choose a location first and include some of their valuable photos, then add with recent popular music and his affectionate memories. What do you think?”

“Sure. Then I’ll leave it to you. You guys are shooting MV albums too anyway. It’s a pleasure to help others. Price isn’t a problem.” Olive breathed out a sigh of relief to finally solve a big problem.

Chloe was displeased. “Don’t you talk about money with me to hurt my feelings?”


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