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The Innocent Wife of Scheming President novel Chapter 410

The woman was straightforward, “Where are you going back to? How much do you want? I’ll lend you.”

Xenia had thought that borrowing money from someone who she only met once on the street would make the other person feel suspicious of her scamming money. She planned to call her brother when she returned to the hotel. She didn’t expect that the woman would be so willing to help others.

“Are you not afraid that I’m lying to you?”

The woman smiled and took off her sunglasses, “By looking at your clothes, you just have enough money for one ticket. Moreover, it’s pretty amazing that a person like you hasn’t been deceived by others, and your boyfriend actually let you come out alone, not afraid of you being abducted.”

Xenia was stunned for a moment and stared more at the beautiful woman. It was her first time to see beautiful eyes with such pureness like the crescent moon and there’s also a fox’s charm in it. The two contradictory styles blend perfectly together.

The woman thought she had offended her and quickly apologized, “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to mention that.”

“No, no. I just think your eyes are really beautiful and you’re beautiful. It’s no wonder you have to use such large pair of glasses to cover them,” Xenia gestured.

The woman smiled, “Although I’ve heard a lot of similar things, I’m still very happy to be praised by a woman too.”

Xenia thought she was a very interesting woman.

“Tell me, how much do you want? I don’t have a lot of cash in me. I can go to the bank if it’s not enough.”

She had already said so, and Xenia felt that she didn’t need to be polite anymore. It wasn’t like she wouldn’t pay her back. Besides, it was nice to be able to be friend with such friendly person.

“You can just lend me money for a taxi to go to the airport and a ticket to return to Luo City. Leave me your phone number and account number. I’ll pay you back after I return.”

The woman’s hand, which was ruffling through her bag, halted, “Are you from Luo City?”

“No.” She wanted to answer that it was her boyfriend, but in the end she changed into, “I work there.”

The woman looked very happy, “What a coincidence. I’m going to Luo City too in two days. If you’re not rushing, let’s go together, so that we won’t be lonely on the plane.”

When she asked again, it turned out that the two lived in the same hotel. Their rooms were even across each other. Strange things could happen in this big world.

More coincidences would come in the future.

The more Dave Chou thought about it, the more he felt unpleasant. What right did she have to be free and at leisure alone outside while he was here and was deeply worried about her? She even actually hung up his phone call. What a cruel woman.

How could she drop her phone? Before, her brother would cover for her. Then, her brother said that she had gone to Europe alone. She wasn’t familiar with the place and he didn’t know what happened. He grew worrier the more he thought about it. He called back, “When will you be back?”

But he didn’t expect the woman on the other end of the phone would be pretending, “Who are you?”

Dave gritted his teeth and said, “Your man, Dave Chou.”

“Dave Chou? Dane Chou? I don’t know him.”

The phone call was hung up again.

Dave was furious, but soon he realized that the voice on the other end wasn’t right. But he had dialed back the previous number.

“I’m looking for Xenia Boswell.”

“You’re looking for Xenia. Why didn’t you say so? But I’m sorry, it’s not convenient for her to answer your call right now.” The woman blinked at Xenia, motioning her to not make a sound.

Her small action was naturally invisible to Dave who was at the other end of the phone and at the other side of the ocean, “Why?”

“She is frightened. Her wallet and phone were robbed, and a gangster had a knife…”

Dave’s face changed when he heard this, “Then is she hurt?”

“No. But she’s so frightened that her entire face was pale…”

Hearing that she wasn’t injured, Dave’s heartbeat slowed down a half beat, “Why didn’t she tell me just now?”

“She wanted to tell you, but did you give her the chance to?”

What did it mean that he didn’t give her a chance? It was her who hung up the call first.

Whatever. When a woman was being unreasonable, he couldn’t argue. He had more important question to ask.

“Are you her friend?”

“We were strangers ten minutes ago.”

“Where are you guys now?”

“Tsk tsk. A boyfriend like you doesn’t even know where his girlfriend is. And you’re not even afraid she’ll be abducted. It’s a coincidence I’m missing a companion, so I’ll borrow your girlfriend for ten days. I think Mr. Chou have no objection.”

Before he could express his objection, the other side hung up the call. When he called again, the phone had shut off, which was obviously intentional.


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