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The Innocent Wife of Scheming President novel Chapter 446

The bodyguard answered coolly, “Leave it.”

“What do you mean?” The group of people looked at each other.

“Literally.” The bodyguard stood like a Bodhisattva.

Gerald smiled, “President Hoyle, I honestly think that your men’s psychological is really extraordinary. This gives me the illusion that it’s not my people who are flying the plane, but yours.”

Alan smiled without saying a word, but squinted at him coldly.

The two had already left their seats since earlier and the entire movement in the cabin could be seen. Those who were afraid, brave, and silent, all of them flashed past.

Nate was standing behind Gerald with a gun in his hand to protect Alan at any time, but Gerald still arrogantly said, “I’ll give you 30 seconds to think. After that, choose your team. I can decide how to deal with you based on how fast and slow you choose your team.”

The crowd was terrified. They looked at each other but didn’t dare to act rashly. Those who were far quietly asked the people around them, “What are you guys going to do?”

No one could easily answer this question, except for the coward Drew Martin who quickly embraced Gerald’s leg and smiled flatteringly, “I’ll listen to you…”

Nate raised up the gun and pointed it at Gerald’s temple, “You seem to have forgotten the gun in my hand.”

Drew was frightened again and jumped a few steps away.

Gerald didn’t care, “You’re pretty amazing to be able avoid the security check and take in this silencer. But even if you can kill me, your bullets are limited after all. The plane is landing soon. Hundreds of bullets are waiting to pass through your intestines.”

Nate’s tight face suddenly turned into a charming smile, “Are you sure that this plane isn’t really going to Jiangcheng?”

The gangster on the ground struggled and shouted, “Do you guys still fantasize that a Spider-Man will rescue you?”

At this moment, a strange laughter sounded from the top. The sound which circulated through the loudspeaker turned clearer in everyone’s ears.

Immediately afterwards, several men in uniform and were tied up were thrown out, rolling before Gerald.

Gerald looked closely and was shocked. These people’s target from the beginning was the cockpit. He only started his act after receiving the news that they had succeeded. But now, they were badly battered and kicked out instead.

“What’s going on?” Could it be that the message before was just a smoke bomb?

Their mouths were sealed with tape and they could only struggle, making whining sound from their throats.

Gerald knelt down and tore the tape on one of them, “How could this happen?”

That person took a breath, “Kent Bai.”

Two words and Gerald Wood instantly understood what had happened. His heart sank deeply.

Kent snickered through the loudspeaker, “Gerald Wood, you’ve been an assassin for so many years and never failed. This kind of continuous success brings you not only wealth and fame, what’s the most is arrogance. Please kindly accept this present on our first meeting.”

“You…” Gerald was livid but couldn’t utter a word. At this moment, it was like his back was being attacked by the enemy and the situation abruptly reversed. He slowly stood up, turned to Alan and said, “I should have thought you have someone to rely on when you can be so calm. It turns out that the rumor about you have a deal with Kent Bai and work together isn’t fake.”

Kent in the loudspeaker said, “You’re wrong. Between good buddies, it isn’t called a deal, nor can it be said that it’s a simple cooperation. It should be called as mutual support, steadfast loyalty. This isn’t something that you cold-blooded animals will understand.”

Gerald sneered, “What a total bullshit. Basically, it still means one of you take the light road and the other takes the dark road. Covering each other and benefiting together.”

Kent laughed, “So what if I take the dark road? Nowadays, light and dark aren’t so distinct in this world. I only kill those who are guilty of monstrous crimes, I don’t bully women and children and those who are weak. I don’t smuggle or sell drugs. I don’t force people to be prostitutes. But you guys? Because of desire, you can sell your soul if you have the money. You take the side of evil, hurt the innocents, and have no humanity. Today, I’ll act for the heaven and clean up you scums.”

“But don’t forget that Alan Hoyle’s beautiful wife and cute daughter are still in my hands. Besides, I forgot to tell you that I’ve asked people to put time bombs on them. At worst, we all die together.” Although he was already at a disadvantage, Gerald was still confident and suddenly there was a remote control in his hand.

The passengers screamed in horror. Some of them hugged each other, as if the end of the world was coming.

A bodyguard tried to get close to Gerald and snatch the remote control from him, but failed.

Gerald’s skill was naturally outstanding as he could be ranked first in Southeast Asia and third in the world. The moment Nate’s hand touched his shoulder, he dodged nimbly like a loach.


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