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The Innocent Wife of Scheming President novel Chapter 46

Olive took the glass in her hand. After hesitating for a while, Olive touched his glass by her glass. She lifted her head, drank, and drained it. She raised her eyebrow at him defiantly, and she looked attractive when she did that.

Alan laughed, "aren't you afraid I'll force you to have sex with me after a few drinks?"

Olive picked up the wine bottle of La Romanee-Conti from some years and poured each other another glass of wine, "it's wasteful not to drink good wine. Men get drunk and have sex that's just their excuse. They used it either to embolden them or to commit murder. Alan, are you such a disgusting person?"

Alan took the glass in his hand,shook it slowly, and looked at her meaningfully, "I'm not interested in other people. But I can't promise you I won't get drunk and have sex with you. "

Olive felt the veins in her temples throbbing violently. She faked a smile, "Alan, you're joking again."

"I'm serious." Alan looked at her deeply. His dark eyes were deep and difficult to distinguish. They looked like the deep pool and ancient well that the surface looked calm, but in fact the waves have been very rough beneath.

"Well, do I look like a sheep in a tiger's mouth and am I just sitting there waiting to die?" Olive smiled. She was not afraid of him. She was just not sure what he was thinking behind his serious face. She had to play a joke to hide her panic.

He replied, "let’s drink. You said it's wasteful not to drink good wine"

Olive could not follow the logic of his words.

But on a night like this, it's easy to get drunk with a little wine.

It's not the wine that intoxicated but the drinker who got himself drunk.

Olive, on the other hand, struggled to keep awake after a few drinks. She told herself that this man belonged to another woman, and that woman could turn her family upside down overnight.

She couldn’t afford the risk.

After she had eaten and drunk enough, she picked up the garbage that they had created, she put the garbage in a plastic bag and put it in the corner. Such a beautiful island should not be polluted by human garbage.

There were not many places left in the world that were still clean

Without doing anything, the atmosphere in the tent suddenly became oppressive. Olive looked at this small space with embarrassment. It's not like they haven't been in bed together before, but after all, there's a difference between the present and the past.

He was no longer the man she could have courted in her youth. It's not just that having the courage to love meant being together.


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