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The Innocent Wife of Scheming President novel Chapter 461

“Hm?” Olive opened her eyes wider than before.

Alan simply bite her mouth.

Everything he had experienced here was like yesterday. He didn’t know how his girl’s small shoulders had to carry his burden. If it was another person, they felt it was too troubling and would have long avoided him.

He remembered that when he first lived here, his attitude towards her was extremely different. On one hand, he was like a sleepy beast facing the anxiety caused by blindness. On the other hand, he didn’t want to implicate pure Olive. The better she treated him, the more disturbed he was. And he was also afraid that he would hurt her who was innocent because he couldn’t see the hidden danger around him.

He tried his best to drive her away, but she clung to him tighter like a gum. He spoke mean to her, she grinned cheekily instead, making him couldn’t find a way out. In the end, he simply ignored her care, which made her tease him later.

On that day, he was turned into a mess. His embarrassment was invisible but imaginable. The water wasn’t actually deep as there was a mud beneath, it only reached to his waist. He was blind, unable to discern his direction. He wasted his energy in the water, until he was exhausted and was pulled into the boat by her.

She said, “You don’t want to die at all. If you don’t want to die, live a good life for me. Don’t be a man who can’t live better than a little woman.”

And it was after that day, his attitude towards her slowly changed. The two became friends. Although they didn’t talk about everything, they gradually developed a tacit understanding. She knew that he was eager to learn about the information outside, so she turned on the TV to let him listen, read the newspaper to him, told him the news in the Internet, and even included some celebrities anecdotes and gossips. The content was all-inclusive. It was through this information that he knew about Hoyle Group. He knew his mother was well and his younger siblings were also temporarily safe. Then he calmed down and thought about some issues.

And later, the relationship between the two became more harmonious. Until one day where the seeds of love were sprouting in his heart and he became unstable.

At this moment, he took his time kissing the little woman who had become his wife. He really wanted to kiss until the end of the day, but he didn’t expect that a strange noise suddenly came from the lotus bushes, which disturbed their sweet time.

There were a few high school students in uniforms. They had skipped class and climbed the wall to play. When they saw the lotus in the pond blooming in full bloom, they were attracted to them. The found two small boats and took pictures with their phones. They accidentally bumped their boat and realized the two were making out, taking a peek for a moment.

The boys were bolder, while the girls were a little embarrassed despite their curiosity and blushed.

“Let’s go. What’s there so interesting to watch? Don’t disturb them.”

After whispering and hiding behind the dense clusters of lotus leaves, someone took out their phone and revealed their existence with a few clicks.

Alan turned alert, “Who’s there?”

Olive’s face flushed with embarrassment for being peeped.

The children quickly picked up the oars and swung them fast, fled away quickly.

“We’re busted, hurry up.”

“Go over there.”


But they never thought that there was a girl who was unsteady. The hull tilted and she fell into the water.

There was a scream.


The water quickly poured into the girl’s mouth. She couldn’t swim. She struggled with her hands and feet trying to float, but she felt something dragged her down. The water choked her. She wondered if she was going to die from drowning.

The children panicked. One bold boy jumped into the water, but forgot that he had just learned one move. He couldn’t even take care of himself yet wanted to save a person, which wasn’t an easy thing to do.

“What should we do?” A girl on the boat paled with fright.

A boy knelt down on the side of the boat and shouted, “Here, swim this way. Give us your hand.”

Unfortunately, when the hand in the water reached out, the boat uncooperatively tipped over. Two more people fell in.

These four falling into the water was only a matter of minutes. Before the boys and the girls could reach up, the mud under their feet sucked their feet and they struggled. The water soon flooded the top of their heads, leaving only one hand waving in the water.

The two survivors on the other boat were so scared that they didn’t dare to move carelessly anymore, so they shouted, “Help, help. Someone falls into the water. Help.”

Alan and Olive saw that they were students, so it was impossible for them to stand idly by.

When the two students on the boat saw them, they all cried with excitement. “Mister, miss, please hurry and save them.”

Olive wanted to go into the water, but he was pulled back by Alan. “I can do it alone. Just sit down.”

Alan jumped in without saying a word and picked up the two nearest brats from the water. Olive hurriedly propped the boat over and helped to get them aboard. They had only drunk a few sips of water fortunately, so it wasn’t a big matter.

The boy who only knew one move was led by his two friends and finally was pulled onto the hull. He slowly climbed up and saved his life.

It was just that the girl who fell into the water first wasn’t that lucky. She was no longer could be seen on the water surface.

“There’s still Jenny who hasn’t come up.”

“Will Jenny be okay?”


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