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The Innocent Wife of Scheming President novel Chapter 467

Xenia sobbed, “Tell me, did you deliberately make me pregnant? So that you can tie me to you and give you a baby.”

Dave did do that, but he wouldn’t be so stupid to admit. “How can I? It’s mentioned in the manual that it won’t be 100% accurate.”

Xenie turned into a lion again, “You lied to me. I took out the rest and filled it with water. They all leaked and there is more than one hole. Dave Chou, you big liar, big liar. I don’t want to live with you anymore.”

Dave covered his mouth, thinking about how she was holding those things one by one under the faucet, and couldn’t help but grinned. But he couldn’t laugh, or the exploded gunpowder would explode higher.

Okay. He treated it as a pregnant woman with emotional fluctuation.

Xenia continued to accuse him angrily, “You big liar. You think I’m young and know nothing, so you lie to me… I hate you, I hate you so much.”

He was already exposed, so Dave had to admit his little action, “Baby, I’m wrong. But I truly like you, my love for you is real. I swear and I’m not lying to you about this. Or, when I go back, you can dig out my heart to see whether it’s yours. Let’s not throw away the child first, okay?”

“Not okay! I don’t want to turn into faded old woman so early, to wipe the child’s pee and shits every day and then, my body will change.”

“How about this? You just need to take care of giving birth and I’ll raise the child. I’ll clean up the diapers and attend the confinement. Don’t we have a postpartum body sculpting coach in our health club? I promise that within three months after you giving birth, you’ll transform into a pretty lady. When you go down the street, everyone will 200% stare at you. Everyone will see you as a beautiful young girl. You can directly drown me with the hardships.”

There was silence on the other end of the phone. Dave felt that she was loosening, so he hurriedly struck while the iron was still hot and continued, “I’ll be responsible for picking up and dropping our child to school. I’ll tutor our child. And I like both boy and girl.”

Of course, the best if she could give birth to boy/girl twins. But he could only secretly think about it.

Xenia still said nothing.

“And baby, abortion is actually very harmful to women. If you don’t believe me, go to the hospital and ask the doctor in the obstetrics and gynecology department. Whichever one says it doesn’t, we don’t keep it, okay?”

Xenia finally snorted, “You know these and still set me up.”

Dave brazenly said, “Why would I do that? In fact, there are many benefits in having a baby early. Because you’re young, your body can recover easily. I’ll raise the baby and you can continue doing the job you love and develop your career. You don’t need to be like those elderly mothers who have unspeakable danger of having a baby and don’t have the body to recover easily and have a big belly. Your job isn’t easy to do it splendidly, right? After your maternity leave, some people take a rest. They take care of their children for two years, then they go out to the society. After they get old, they can’t keep up with the era anymore. Now they’re called faded old woman. Even if their work is still reserved, the space for climbing up is small. So, I’m doing it for your good. Hey, where can you find such a good husband like me? I think of everything for you. I do everything for you.”

“You’re not my husband yet,” Xenia snorted.

Dave laughed, “That’s easy. I’ll go back and propose you immediately.”

Xenia pouted, “I may not say ‘I do’ to your proposal.”

“Baby, do you have the heart to watch our child having an unmarried mother? You may have the heart to do so, but I don’t. Baby, let’s keep the child and live well, okay?”

“How do I know if what you just said wasn’t a lie? You may trick me to give birth, and then push me away and not care for me after that.”

“If you don’t believe me, we can make a written statement and ask our friends to come as a testimony. I, Dave Chou, am willing to be Xenia Boswell’s stay-at-home dad.”

“Sure, you can breast-feed the baby later.”


Dave felt a little embarrassed, “I want to, but I don’t have milk.”


“Doctors recommend breastfeeding now. It’s good for children. You like Annie, don’t you? She was breastfeeding since she was little and turns smart now. Besides, there’s too much melamine in milk nowadays. You don’t want our child drinking poison and becoming fools right after he’s born, right?”

Xenia was silent for a while and finally said, “Sure. Come back and write down everything you said today to be a proof. You can’t miss one word.”

Dave then realized that he had fallen into this girl’s hole.

She was digging a trap for him to jump, trying every means to get him to sign so many unequal treaties. She was taking revenge on him who had ever forcibly bullied her. She wanted to turn the table and became the master, fighting for her status and establishing her authority.

This girl was plotting against him.

Fine. Because she was pregnant, he would turn a blind eye.

A child. Dave Chou also had a child already. He was so happy that he couldn’t close his mouth.


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