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The Innocent Wife of Scheming President novel Chapter 471

When Kim smiled like this, other Kent's subordinates also laughed with joy, looking at this man named Brother Kevin sympathetically. This was the end of the world for Kevin because he dared to do bad things in public by ruining Boss Bai's reputation.

Kevin felt scared because of their laughter. "What are you laughing at?"

Kent snorted coldly. "They're laughing at the fact that you've overreached yourself and you dared to ruin my reputation."

Kevin gasped. "I ruined your reputation? You..."

Kim said scornfully to Kevin. "Look at such a short-sighted man as you, and you even pretended to be one of the Boss's subordinates, while we don't have any stupid Brothers like you."

"Exactly." Other Kent's subordinates looked down on Kevin as they didn't take him seriously.

"You've ruined Boss's reputation, so please watch how he will punish you."

Unexpectedly, Kevin didn't believe them. Instead, he asked. "If you are Boss Bai, how can you prove yourself? Don't think you have a lot of subordinates, so you can say things like that on purpose to fool me since I don't get fooled as easily as a three-year-old."

"Did I deceive you on purpose? You're so stubborn, and I'm not going to prove it to you now. "When Kent said these words with a sneer, a kernel popped up between his fingers and hit Kevin between his eyebrows. Kevin felt pain, frowning, and then he involuntarily touched where he's been hit with his hand.

"Who the fuck hit me." Kevin snarled.

Kent had a gun in his hand, and he twirled the gun skillfully with his finger. "I hit you. Why, are you also trying to hit me?"

Kevin pulled a gun out of his pocket, shot it quickly through the ceiling, and pointed the gun at Kent. "Do you think you're the only one with the gun?"

The boss of KTV let out a cold sweat because the gun was really capable of killing people, so if Kevin accidentally shot someone in the body with the gun, his KTV would not be able to continue its business. What bad luck did he have today? He's ready to cry.

If he was to run such a place and keep the KTV safely open, he would need reliable contacts in both the government and the Mafia, while the boss of KTV had reliable contacts, but it's nothing compared to Kent or Alan's power.

Kevin was no match for Kent or Alan, but Kevin just didn't realize this. Perhaps Kevin already knew, but he was too proud to admit it, and he was only pretending as best he could.

The boss of KTV gave Kevin a sympathetic look. Even though Kevin had a gun, how could he beat the huge power behind Kent? Therefore, Kevin was just like an egg against the stone as he overreached himself.

Kent didn't take Kevin seriously even though Kevin had a gun. Kent smiled, but his eyes seemed to shoot sharply at Kevin. "Tell me, is your gun faster, or is my bullet faster?"

Kevin's hand quivered slightly, although he was holding a gun. Kevin felt the force of the man in front of him, while he felt as if he was cold all over his body. Kent looked like he's smiling, but he's murderous and ruthless.

Could the man before him really be Kent?

Kevin's back went cold when he thought about it, and Kevin regretted his impulse. He always thought that since Boss Bai had a huge influence in every corner, Boss Bai couldn't manage every detail. That was why Kevin dared to pretend to be the subordinate of Boss Bai, so he could bluff and bully others by using Boss Bai's name, but he never thought that he might have met Boss Bai today. Even if the man in front of him was not Boss Bai himself, the man must not be annoyed, because it's hard for ordinary people to own guns.

Despite Kent's fright, Kevin still thought that if he could pretend to be the subordinate of Kent, others could also pretend to be Kent to scare him, so he thought he was lucky enough and told himself not to panic but to be calm. Maybe the gun in Kent's hand was a fake since Kent was just trying to scare him with it.

Kevin tried to stay calm, but the sweat on his hand soaked the handle of the gun. He was even more scared than before, so he pointed the gun at Kent's heart. "If you want to see the king of Hell, I don't mind giving you a lift."

Kent still twirled his gun between his fingers, disdainful of Kevin's threatening words. "Are you so confident?"

Kevin said. "How am I supposed to be in a sinister gang if I don't have some confidence?"

"The sinister gang is not big or small, so I'm afraid you're going to drown in the sinister gang, and you're not going to survive, while I advise you to get out when I'm still in a good mood, and please don't make a fool of yourself here." Kent kindly reminded Kevin.

But Kevin didn't listen. "Who can't learn to bluff? Don't think you can fool me. Boss Bai is never so easy to reveal his identity to others, and Boss Bai is never eager to reveal his identity like you are, so I think you are deliberately trying to deceive me."

"Since you said he pretended to be Kent and your subordinates said you're a valued subordinate of Kent, why don't you invite Kent over for a drink? It must not be difficult for you." Alan came out of the shadows because he had no patience to watch Kent play with the guy who was short of vision. It didn't matter if they didn't shoot, but if they did, he was afraid they would frighten Olive.

In the light, his face was familiar to Kevin.

The news about the Hoyle family and the Meyer family as well as the relationship between Alan and Kent were all hot. It's usually to see pictures of Alan and his family in the news, while there's no picture of Kent.

Kevin was horrified, so his face was pale, while he told himself that he was as blind as a bat. There were so many people in the private box that he didn't see Alan who was in the dark corner.


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