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The Innocent Wife of Scheming President novel Chapter 483

Mrs. Hoyle returned home from the detention center without saying a word. She looked gloomy like black clouds when it was about to rain.

Annie, the little girl who had won her heart, called her but she only glanced at her, patted her head, sighed, and went upstairs.

No one knew what happened to the old lady. The atmosphere was awkward.

After the old lady disappeared on the stairs, Ada Hoyle asked quietly, “What’s wrong with mom? What happened?”

Aoba Hoyle was sitting on the sofa reading a newspaper. He cocked his head and shrugged his shoulder, “No idea. She has always been like this.”

In the evening, Olive Steele asked Annie to call the old lady for dinner, but she refused to come downstairs saying she was not hungry.

“Mom has something on her mind.” said Ada Hoyle.

It was obvious. Aoba Hoyle rolled his eyes on his sister.

Alan Hoyle asked the maid to find the driver, “Where did madam go this afternoon?”

“Madam won’t let me talk.” the old drive replied.

“Do you think I won’t find out if you don’t tell me?” Alan Hoyle asked flatly, but he was not angry.

He was the person in charge of the family now and the driver was clear about it. If the master wanted to know, he couldn’t do anything about it. He hesitated for a little while and finally replied, “Madam went to the detention center to visit Miss Meyer.”

When he said this, he glanced at Olive Steele carefully.

“What were they talking about?” asked Alan Hoyle.

The driver shook his head, “Madam didn’t let me and Doctor Gu follow in. so, we have no idea what madam and Miss Meyer were talking about.”

Aoba Hoyle scoffed and defended Olive Steele, “I don’t know what’s so good about that snake. Mom has a good daughter-in-law already. I think she’s just confused.”

Olive Steele’s eyes dim slightly. The old lady was still concerned about the woman who committed fatal crime against the Hoyle but she still treated her like an outsider. She was uncomfortable, but still, she put on a smile and comforted, “The old lady watched Miss Meyer grew up. She still cares about her. It shows that when the old lady has set her eyes on someone, she will like the person a lot and I’m waiting for the day to come.”

She didn’t know whether she was comforting herself or others, but maybe both. She told herself to always look at the positive side of everything before moving on. She knew she couldn’t think too much of this, or else it would only bother her.

Alan Hoyle clasped her fingers and placed them on his laps, “You captured our hearts. It’s only a matter of time before my mother surrenders. Don’t worry about it.”

Olive Steele smiled, “I have nothing to worry about with you around.”

A woman’s greatest happiness was choosing a right man. No other obstacle came close.

Even so, Olive Steele couldn’t stay still and do nothing. She asked the maid to prepare Mrs. Hoyle’s dinner on tray and carried it upstairs herself.

Distance could be sewn closer by doing small things. The old lady could be ungrateful but not her, she couldn’t.

There was no light in the room. It was dark. Olive Steele knocked twice, “Mrs. Hoyle, I’m coming in.”

No one responded, but Olive Steele knew that the old lady was inside. She fumbled to turn the lights on and saw the old lady sitting in a cane chair motionless. Her eyes glistened while holding open a photo album in her hand. She was looking at the family photo of the Hoyle and Ophelia Meyer was in it.

“Have you come to mock me?” asked the old lady hoarse and low with a hint of self-mockery.

Olive Steele was puzzled. She walked over and put the tray down gently, “No. I’m bringing you your dinner.”

Mrs. Hoyle was stunned. She raised her eyes and asked, “Wouldn’t it be better for you if I starved to death?”

Olive Steele smiled gently, “We’re not in Great Depression nor in a poor mountainous area.”

“Take it away. I have no appetite.”

“You have something in mind, don’t you?”

“It’s none of your business.”

“Something on your mind is not my business, but you skipping your dinner is.” Olive Steele closed the photo album and placed it on the corner of the bed. She moved the table closer, put the tray on it, and grabbed a chair to sit with her.


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