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The Innocent Wife of Scheming President novel Chapter 485

Olive Steele had a complicated feelings toward Mrs. Hoyle. It was half the reason why she couldn’t let go of her past grievances.

She thought that people should learn to think differently so as not to be eroded by hatred and prejudice. As for Mrs. Hoyle, Olive Steele saw her as a mother with a great strength. She might have used the wrong way to raise her sons and daughter, but she couldn’t deny the old lady’s good intention.

“The porridge is ready. Come and eat.”

Mrs. Hoyle turned around when she heard the voice. Sometimes, she couldn’t understand the woman in front of her. She clearly had the reason to hate her, but she chose to drop the case and embrace her. Was she really that generous? Or, did she have a purpose?

At least, she didn’t do what the Meyers did to her family.

In the detention center, Ophelia Meyer cried and kneeled and begged her to give her parents a chance to live, but she left.

She couldn’t forgive the Meyers. They did an ugly crime to the Hoyle family. How could she forgive her? She was not a fool.

“Why?” she went to Olive Steele and tried to see through her eyes. Her eyes were that of eagle and they were handy to read people.

Olive Steele was confused, “Why what?”

“Why don’t you hate me?” she said that she wanted to eat porridge and she really cooked it for her. She didn’t see any reluctance at all. Whatever this woman was hiding, she hid it well.

Olive Steele suddenly realized the meaning of the question.

“Why should I hate you? Everyone has their own responsibility and principles. The way you carry your responsibility is not necessarily wrong and my principles are not either. Must I hate you because you don’t like me? As the old saying goes, we’re family. Although you don’t regard me as the member of the family yet, you’re my husband’s mother and I cannot treat you as an outsider.”

Mrs. Hoyle snorted, “You speak well.”

Olive Steele didn’t argue. She smiled, “Enjoy your dinner. I’ll go out and clean it up for you later.”

“No need. We have maids at home.”

“Well, good night, Mrs. Hoyle.”

When she was at the door, the old lady suddenly asked, “If one day, Alan has nothing, will you still be with him?”

Olive Steele looked back at the old lady who was stirring his porridge.

“Mrs. Hoyle, first of all, your statement is off. Alan will stand strong to protect the Hoyle family. Second, we started our relationship in his most difficult time. We were prone to danger but I didn’t hesitate at all until you forcibly took him out of my life and made me inaccessible to him. I don’t regret giving birth to Annie. Over the years, I believe Mrs. Hoyle has experience his persistence and patience. As long as we’re together, unless he betrays me and tells me that he doesn’t want me anymore, nothing will make me leave him. I have hands and feet to support me and my family. I don’t pursue luxury goods and I don’t compare myself to others. Therefore, wealth and poverty will not be the reason I am or am not with him.”

She thought that the life of the wealthy family lacked warmth. They always thought that people had motives and hidden agenda. She didn’t yearn for it at all. She preferred a grounded life. The middle class though loud, they had less scheme and conspiracy.

Marrying a daughter-in-law was a happy thing for the commoners, but for the wealthy, they put their guards up and suspected whether or not they coveted the family’s property. This kind of life was boring and no fun for her.

When everyone thought that Mrs. Hoyle was fine, no one expected that she woke up early and had stroke symptoms the next day. Ada Hoyle went to call her upstairs and found that she had high fever and was in daze. It frightened the whole family. So, she called Doctor Gu for treatment.

The old lady’s health had always been a hot topic in the family. Since she was discharged from the hospital after surgery, she had been stable. There was no adverse reaction to be seen. Occasionally, she caught a cold, but it was her first time suffering from a raging high fever.

The doctor kept various medicine in his medical box for various disease the old lady might suffer. The doctor checked on the temperature and gave her a fever-reducing injection.

“Doctor Gu, how is my mother?”

“This is a stagnation, Ma’am.”

“Is she okay?”

“The old lady has been too calm since the time she learned the truth about the Meyer family. It turns out it does something to her heart.”

Ada Hoyle whispered, “I thought it was because she couldn’t get along with sister-in-law.”

She sighed.

Olive Steele knew that she probably one of the reason why the old lady was suffering, “Is she okay?”

Doctor Gu said, “It’s not necessarily a good thing to have symptoms like this. She has been depressed for too long. However, if the fever has not subsided after three hours, I suggest sending her to the hospital immediately. After all, her condition was special. She had undergone a major surgery. Complications may happen. The hospital’s equipment and medicines are much more adequate than a family doctor.”

Alan Hoyle nodded, “I’m sorry for troubling you, Doctor Gu.”

Fortunately, by noon, the high fever subsided. The Hoyles breathed a sigh of relief. The old lady was still sleeping. They dared not bother her.


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