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The Innocent Wife of Scheming President novel Chapter 495

“Uncle Norton thinks too highly of me,” said Olive without batting an eyelid while smiling. Her heart muttered that could this woman not after the hotel? Or did she retreat to plan a bigger conspiracy?

No matter what, she knew that if a person was impersonating, their heart wouldn’t be pure. No matter whether this woman was a goddess or demon, she would be forced to show her true self.

Norton wasn’t happy. He finally had his daughter back at his side and wanted to give this property to her to make up for his guilt for so many years, but now that his daughter refused to accept, wasn’t his hard work in futile now?

“What’s good working with those foreigners? Angel Hotel is originally what father wanted to leave to you. If you don’t take over, who will?”

Susan smiled, “Olive is here. Olive is so capable that she must be able to manage the hotel better than me.”

Her gaze looked very sincere and no flaws were revealed, as if this were the truest thought in her heart.

But Olive felt because it was too sincere that it revealed traces of falsehood. “Susan, you can’t say that. After all, I’m still an outsider, so it against the law. I was willing to take this burden because Uncle Norton was seriously ill and couldn’t manage the business himself. Now that you’ve returned and Uncle Norton’s body is recovering day by day, no matter how, you guys can’t just brush this off, right?”

Norton also chimed in, “Olive, you should persuade her, persuade her to quit her job at US. Working for somebody isn’t as good as being a boss, right?”

The old man’s mindset was actually very simple. Because of his debts, he wanted to materially make up for his daughter who was sent away by him. In addition with his own body, although the doctor said that he had improved, how knew when it would relapse. This wasn’t a sure thing.

And there was his good-for-nothing son. Although on the surface he had turned into a new leave, his head still thought of Angel Hotel. He wasn’t an old fool just because he was sick. His mind was as clear as day. If Angel Hotel fell into his hands, it would be ruined in the future.

Therefore, he had to arrange some of his affairs as early as possible, otherwise he couldn’t die contentedly.

While Olive wanted to see if this woman sincerely rejected or it was just a fake. She said, “Yes, Susan. Uncle Norton had told me since the beginning that Angel Hotel is a welcome home gift for you. If you refuse to accept it, Uncle Norton will feel guilty and sad.”

Susan looked at the old man, “Father, you actually don’t have to blame yourself. I’ve heard about the past and you were forced into to do so. I don’t blame you for loving mother very much. I’m happy. My past adoptive parents were also very affectionate and treated me like their own child. I have a good life in those years living with them. Although we weren’t especially rich, they never let me receive any hardships since I was little. So, father, you really don’t have to blame yourself.”

“But father still can’t let you go.” Norton took Susan’s hand and felt very guilty. If he had known that her child was so sensible, he wouldn’t send her away even if it killed him.

The only thing that could comfort him was his daughter to have met a good couple. If his body permitted and there was still a chance to go to the United States, he had to go to Susan’s adoptive parents’ graves to bow and thank them for their kindness.

“Susan, you also know that Uncle Norton is sick and can’t work too hard. If you don’t accept this gift, he will always feel like he owes you something. You don’t want an old man like him to have trouble sleeping and eating every day with such heavy burdens, right?”

“I…” Susan felt awkward.

Olive didn’t know if she was moved and she still waited for the result. She had a feeling that she wasn’t in a hurry to occupy Angel Hotel. She even let people know that she had no attention to have the hotel. Coupled with the keepsake and DNA identification, they made the Geve more convinced of her.

A person who wasn’t greedy and unwilling could freely have happiness and it made the Geve couple feel guiltier about her.

This woman was either too scheming or there was someone instructed her behind her back.

Olive had never looked away from her since the start nor had she let go of every subtle changes on her face. This woman had never evaded her eyes and even looked at her straight on.

“Okay. It’s settled then,” the old man made the final decision. “You quit you job at the US and move back to live with your parents while I’m still alive. And Olive does have a large amount of work. She has to take care of everything in the hotel now. Her man had long protested to me, saying that her work takes up too much time of his wife and they don’t have enough time for dating.”

Susan laughed, “Mr. Hoyle is a funny person.”

Olive asked, “Do you know him?”

Susan shook her head, “I don’t. But I’ve heard a lot of stories about the two of you after I came to Luo City. Your love is a legend. A man like Mr. Hoyle was every woman’s dream of a perfect lover. I also hope that one day in the future, I can meet such a good man.”

Norton put his palm on hers and said with a smile, “When you come back, father will find one for you. You don’t have to be jealous of them.”


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