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The Innocent Wife of Scheming President novel Chapter 505

Susan thought about it all night that when she woke up, there were obvious dark circles under her eyes. She thought of various possibilities and Alan Hoyle was the biggest among them.

She never dared to look down on the man. He was too smart, as if he could understand everything. She didn’t dare to look directly at this man. His sharp and cold eyes terrified her. But, in order not to make him suspicious, she had to look him in the eyes while they were talking.

It was too difficult to grasp on this man’s mind. He could bear what ordinary people couldn’t. He could put his enemy down easily without expression.

She wouldn’t dare to be careless.

At the dining table, Lory realized her bad complexion and asked with concern, “What’s wrong, Susan? Did you not sleep well last night?”

Susan realized that her restlessness wasn’t well hidden. Fortunately, only Lory had asked. She put on a smile and looked for an explanation, “I suddenly feel that I have a heavy burden. Father grandly introduced me. I’m afraid I’ll disappoint father if I don’t do a good job.”

“There’s no way.” Norton walked slowly down the stairs with a cane. Susan got up to his way and supported him.

“Father, be careful.”

Norton patted her hand, “Father believes in you and you have to believe in your own abilities. I can see that you’re smart. Besides, there’s Olive to assist you. And Olive has Alan. What are you afraid of?”

Susan secretly thought that she was indeed a cunning person, but she still obediently pulled out the chair and helped him sit down, “Slowly.”

The servant brought breakfast to Norton. Perhaps his daughter’s return had kept the old man in a good mood that he was no longer picky with his food and ate all of it.

Lory said, “You slept late last night, why don’t you rest more?”

“I’m old and my mental clock is fixed. I can’t fall asleep at this time even if I want to,” Norton said to his wife.

Lory said, “It’s the root from you worrying too much.”

Norton laughed and said, “I’m fine now. Our capable daughter is back to help me. I can completely retire now. Susan, be a little braver, don’t be afraid. You’ve stayed in the United States for so many years, you must have learned a lot of advanced things that aren’t available in China. Bring in those advanced concepts and management models. Discuss them with Olive to find one that is most suitable with Angel Hotel. Father believes in you like I believe in Olive. You’re both are smart women, no less than men.”

“Father, you can be an inspirational trainer. I’m so embarrassed now,” Susan pretended to be shy.

Norton said, “What’s there to be embarrassed? But then again, Susan, you’re not young anymore. Shouldn’t you also consider your future now? Those young talented men I introduced you to, none of them caught your eyes?”

Susan groaned, “Father, what are you talking about? I just got back and you want to kick me out so soon?”

“Kicking you out? I’m eager to tie you up now. Find a son-in-law for me to join the family.” Norton was speaking the truth. His daughter just got back, there was no way he let her marry out so soon. “When you go back to the US this time, I don’t mind you bring back a towhead foreigner boyfriend. Father knows that you’re used to foreign lifestyle and way of thinking. Maybe Chinese men don’t catch your eyes.”

“Father, you’re talking nonsense. It’s still early, let’s not talk about this topic.” Susan wanted to change the topic, but she had an idea in her head. Perhaps, she could find someone as her suitable boyfriend to help herself.

“What do you mean ‘early’? Look at Olive, she has a five-year-old child already. I still want to get to see a grandchild while I’m still alive.”

“Father, you have to believe that as long as you maintain your current optimistic and open-minded behavior, you’ll live a long life. Didn’t you say that you still want to take mother to travel around the world?”

“You’re a smooth talker.” Although Norton said so, he was already happy. “Okay, okay. I won’t push you, so you won’t say I’m kicking you out. But, you have to agree not to be secretive. Even if he’s ugly, he still has to meet in-laws. No matter which country he’s from, black, white, or yellow, we have no objection. We’ll support you to pursue him boldly.”

Because of their own experiences, the Geve understood the pain of parents interfering in love. They were enlightened because they didn’t want their past to repeat itself in their daughter.

Their child’s happiness was the most important thing. No matter the man was rich or poor, as long as he treated her well as if she was a treasure and she liked him, they would like him too.

When Susan went to the US, the Geve insisted on sending her to the plane. At the airport, she was nagged repeatedly for they were afraid that she wouldn’t come back this time. She said that she would definitely come back earlier. Only under the urging of the airport broadcast that they finally let her go.

When the plane took off, someone in the corner reported to Alan, “Mr. Hoyle, Susan is already on the flight to the US.”

“I see. Ask the people in the US to keep an eye on her. Watch who she is in contact with.”


On Alan’s desk, there was a DNA test report from Kent Bai’s man. For accuracy, he compared and analyzed Susan’s hair and the saliva left on the glass last night.

She was certainly a fake.

Actually, from the moment he knew his wife’s identity, these evidences were unnecessary to him.

No wonder his girl already suspected before she met her.

Well, it was Susan’s bad luck. She wasn’t good at pretending to be someone else and she even pretended to be his wife. She even boldly bumped against the righteous identity.

Fake would always be fake and it couldn’t be real. But when could this truth be revealed out to the open?

“Knock knock.”

Following the knock, Olive’s head poked in.

“Mr. Hoyle, do you have something for calling me over?”

“The paternity test has come out. As you’ve expected, that Susan wasn’t the Geve’s real daughter. Baby, your instinct is better than God’.” Alan got up and walked over to the door, pulling his naughty wife to sit on the sofa, then handed her the report.

Olive flipped it twice and already knew it.

Actually, two months ago, she had another set of result in her hands.


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