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The Innocent Wife of Scheming President novel Chapter 519

“Do you really not want me to go with you?”

“Do you really think I’ll get lost?”

When Olive got home, Chloe was sitting on the sofa in the living room applying nail polish and Mrs. Steele was beside her, knitting to make a sweater for her future baby grandson. They were talking and laughing.

Chloe said, “Mom, you don’t need to do this. Knitting is so hassle, just buy them as it’s more stylish and comfortable.”

Mrs. Steele smiled, “I don’t have anything to do anyway. Knitting is just for passing the time. When you get married and have child, I’ll knit for my future grandson too.”

Olive changed her footwear and walked over, patted Chloe on the shoulder. “You don’t understand. Mom’s knitted sweater isn’t as old-fashioned as you think. Just wait and see if you don’t believe me.”

When she was a child, she didn’t wear less. Each shirts were beautifully knitted by her mom that made her peers envy.

Chloe screamed, “Woman, can you make a noise when you come home? You’re like a freaking ghost scaring people. Look at my ruined nails. Fix them.”

Olive laughed and said, “How? Should I chop my fingers for you?”

“As long as Mom is okay, I don’t mind,” Chloe said cruelly.

“Damn you.” Olive kicked her and sat down to help her mom knitting.

“Hey, the old witch didn’t come for you causing troubles, right?” Although Mrs. Steele deliberately told her not to say anything, Chloe couldn’t help feeling upset.

“You’ve asked. It must be that today you had a fierce battle with her.”

Olive thought, it seemed that the old lady was hit hard enough today. Otherwise, she wouldn’t run to the hotel in a hurry to question her. The old lady in the past was such a calm person. She took care of situation while maintaining her composure. Today, she was completely disregarding her image.

“I’m just not used to her arrogant attitude. Fine if she wants the child. Does she need to be so irritating? The Steele doesn’t even owe her. It’s her who should talk nicely now,” Chloe said angrily.

Mrs. Steele had also stopped her knitting. “Yes, Olive. After thinking about it, mom still thinks that you can’t be too casual about this matter. I’m not saying letting your mom-in-law go that easily. She can have the child, but she must accept you first into the Hoyle.”

Chloe chimed in, “Yeah. You have to join the Hoyle with dignity. The wedding that Alan holds for you you is Alan’s sincerity. If the old witch sincerely wants this child, she must hold you another formal ceremony in the name of the Hoyle Family.”

“Are these formal things that important?” Whilst Olive didn’t think that much. Although marriage couldn’t withstand an intruder of a third person, the formal ceremony wasn’t necessarily could guarantee that the love would last forever.

Chloe exclaimed, “How can it not? Hey, stop being overly kind. You should defeat that old witch.”

“After the Meyer’s incident, the old lady has some mental problems. The doctor said she was suffering moderate depression that has tendency to develop into serious problem. We can talk about this later,” Olive didn’t want to take advantage of others.

“Depression” Mrs. Steele was slightly startled. Such strong woman could be knocked down?


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