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The Innocent Wife of Scheming President novel Chapter 539

As soon as he finished speaking, the video was cut off by him. She was only a pawn for him, and she knew it.

As she recently overheard in a song on the street. "I am like a pawn, and whether I advance or retreat is up to you. I am not your general but just a small soldier. I'm like a pawn, and I can't choose whether to come or go. Even if I can't come back, you never hesitate, while I am always under your control."

She didn't even know whether she was about to be discarded by him as a pawn.

The next day, Susan apologized for an angry remark she made to Olive in the office.

Olive said that she didn't mind, and she told Susan that William was already appointed. He was supposed to be the assistant manager of the catering department, and she would welcome him in at any time.

Nothing happened in the next few days as Susan kept to her duty, and she never mentioned the investment again, while Olive didn't give her a chance to manage the core business of Angel Holiday Hotel.

Don't harm others but never relax vigilance against evildoers. Olive couldn't afford to be careless, especially when someone's up to no good.

But on this very day, Olive received a phone call from Xenia.

Dave was planning two weddings, and Olive remembered that it was the time when they were going back to Luo City after holding their wedding in Haikou, the city where Xenia's parents live. Of course, they also needed to hold another wedding in Luo City.

Getting married was a wonderful thing, so Olive couldn't help but smile. "Well, Xenia, how do you feel about being a bride?"

But on the phone, Xenia was almost crying. "Sister Olive, I don't know Mr. Hoyle's phone number, so could you tell him to come to the Martial Club right now?"

Olive was slightly stunned. "What happened to you?"

"Dave and Ivy suddenly started fighting for some reason, while they were fighting ferociously and I couldn't stop them. I don't know what's going on between them, but I've only vaguely heard that it has something to do with Mr. Hoyle. Sister Olive, I'm so scared, so could you tell Mr. Hoyle to come here quickly? I'm afraid something bad will happen." Xenia's voice was trembling when she spoke.

Olive didn't consider Xenia as an easily frightened person, so it seemed that something very serious has happened as Xenia was so frightened like this.

"Okay, I'll contact him right away. You have a baby in your belly, so look out for yourself and don't get hurt by mistake."

"Yeah, I know. Thank you, Sister Olive."

After hanging up the phone, Xenia nervously stroked her slightly bulging stomach. "Baby, we are not frightened."

At the moment, Dave was like a lion out of control, punching Ivy hard.

Ivy kept giving way, as he focused on defense rather than attack. "Dave, did you take the wrong medicine? What's wrong with you?"

When he got off the plane, Dave asked him to come in here, and as soon as they saw each other, Dave hit him and kicked him, so what happened to Dave?

Dave sneered. "I'm crazy, but I owe it all to you and Alan."

Ivy, who dodged a punch from Dave dangerously, frowned. At first, he thought Dave finally married Xenia, so Dave couldn't hold back his excitement, and he needed the fight to vent his excess energy, but after a few fights, it became clear to Ivy that there was hate in Dave's fist, and Dave suddenly went crazy, especially after he said these words.

Chapter 539: The hidden truth 1


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