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The Lawyer’s Romance in Law novel Chapter 183

Chapter 183 Living in That Photograph

Elias sat on the couch, holding the baby for two hours without moving a muscle. Amanda even felt uncomfortable watching him. "It's been two hours. He should be in a deep sleep by now. Let's put him on the bed," she suggested again.

The man lowered his head and looked at his son in his arms, gently holding onto his tiny hand, trying to take his tie out from the chubby little hand. However, the little guy's hand remained gripping, even tightening a bit.

Elias smiled helplessly and looked up at her. "If you're tired, you can turn in first. I'll be fine."

"Do you plan on holding him like this all night? Your arm will get sore."

Besides, Elias' foot was injured, and he needed rest too. Holding Aiden all night was no joke. Now that this little guy was getting heavy, holding him all night would strain his arm.

The man looked down at his son and said, "It's okay. This fatherly love is four years late already. Holding him for one night is nothing. I am his father. It's my duty."

Amanda had nothing to say. It was rare for him to take on the responsibilities of a father so wholeheartedly, so she could not stop him. Still, how could she sleep with the two of them like this?

"I… I can't sleep either. I'll keep you company. Are you hungry? Should I make you something?"

After all, he hardly ate a few bites when they were in Winters Manor, probably losing an appetite.

A hint of helplessness was on his handsome face as he glanced at the precious kid in his arms. "Do you think I can eat a late-night food like this?"

She chuckled and said, "I can feed you." Just like how I usually feed Baby. However, she regretted saying that as soon as the words left her mouth.

The man smiled and said, "That's a good idea. Please cook me a plate of spaghetti."

She was speechless and wanted to slap and scold herself for being meddlesome.

Selina sat on the living room couch, glancing toward Amanda's bedroom occasionally. She did not know what was happening inside but was worried when she saw Aiden in a bad state.

Suddenly, the bedroom door opened, and Amanda walked out.

Selina immediately stood up. "Amanda, what happened? Is Aiden okay?"

"He's fine. He's still in his father's arms, but Elias can't let go of him. He seems to have been frightened. Just need more cooing." Amanda finished speaking and walked toward the kitchen.

Selina followed along. "What are you doing? Are you hungry? Let me make you something."

"No, I'm cooking a plate of spaghetti for Elias. He didn't eat much at night, and he's injured too. Holding the child for so long is physically exhausting."

"Oh… I see. In that case, you should cook it yourself. After all, it's a plate of love-filled spaghetti." Selina smiled and turned around, preparing to return to her room and sleep.

Amanda wanted to explain but then thought it was not worth it. She could not be bothered to explain.

After a while, she returned to the bedroom with a plate of spaghetti, only to find that Elias had put the baby on the bed. She looked surprised. "Did he let go of your tie?"

"Yeah, I think he fell into a deep sleep. Maybe he found a sense of security in his own home."


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