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The Lawyer’s Romance in Law novel Chapter 184

Chapter 184 Escape Plan

Aiden earnestly said, "Great-Grandpa took me to see Grandpa and said he lives in that photo. It's so scary…"

Amanda's expression went complex. Why would Howard say such things to a little child? Aiden is only three years old and doesn't understand the concept of death yet, only finding it terrifying.

She handed the milk bottle to the kid. "Good boy, drink your milk." Then, she walked toward the terrace as well.

On the terrace, Elias could not bear it any longer. He dialed Howard's number once again, and when the call connected, he did not wait for the other person to speak and started yelling, "Howard Winters, what are you trying to do? Why are you telling a three-year-old child all that nonsense? Are you trying to scare the child and make him sick?"

He called out Howard's full name directly, something he had never done before.

Howard, on the other end, was taken aback. After a long pause, he shouted back into the phone, "You little brat, have you grown tired of living?! How dare you address me by my full name! Is it even your place to do that?!"

Even he did not expect that his grandson would one day address him by his full name. That left him stunned for a while.

"Well, don't you think you've gone too far? Children are naturally timid. Why would you scare him like that?!" Elias was genuinely angry. Previously, he believed it was for his good no matter what Howard did, but now, he was furious.

"Am I scaring him by introducing him to his grandpa? Shouldn't he know who his grandfather is?"

Elias listened to Howard's stubborn tone over the phone and decided to hang up. There was simply no way to communicate. He could not let the child go to Howard's place anymore. Otherwise, that man would occasionally instill strange thoughts in the child and scare him half to death.

Since it was quiet there, Amanda, who had come to the terrace, overheard the conversation. She realized how frightening Howard could be when he became stubborn. If this continued, she feared that he might kidnap Aiden one day. Next time, she might not be so fortunate to find her baby again.

Her fingers clenched tightly by her sides, and a sudden thought emerged. I need to escape with Aiden. She regretted bringing him back to the country. It would have been better to stay abroad, where the Winters Family knew nothing about the child's existence. Then, they would not try to take him away from her.

Amanda stared at the man's figure briefly before returning to the bedroom.

Meanwhile, Elias stood on the terrace, feeling frustrated. Amanda and the child might never return to me if things continue to be like this. Besides, how can I handle the relationship between them with Howard being so stubborn?

He lit a cigarette, holding it between his lips, and gazed into the distance, lost in thought.

Evening came, and Aiden gradually recovered and forgot about the ordeal with Howard. He soon resumed his lively and energetic behavior. Meanwhile, an urgent matter occurred at the company, requiring Elias. "There's something urgent at work. I have to leave. Call me if you need anything."

Amanda nodded. "Yeah, sure." However, in her heart, she was thinking about escaping abroad with her baby.

He noticed her calm expression and felt strange, unable to describe what it was exactly. He continued, "I may not be able to come over in the next couple of days. Call me if anything happens. And don't leave the child alone for a moment. Don't go to the kindergarten for now. Grandpa might try to snatch him away."


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