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The Lawyer’s Romance in Law novel Chapter 186

Chapter 186 She's the Safest Around Me

Aiden noticed something off with Amanda, so he asked, "What are you looking at, Mommy? You still haven't told me where we're going…"

"I-It's nothing. You'll know when we get there. Are you thirsty? I'll buy you something."

"Mommy, I want juice."

She nodded. "All right, I'll go get some." With that, she got up and walked toward the convenience store at the side. She even glanced worriedly at Aiden, who was left sitting alone.

Meanwhile, at Northern No. 1.

When the doorbell rang, Selina, sitting in the house, instantly froze and subconsciously gulped. She stiffly walked up to the door, then looked through the peephole to see Elias and Yacob standing at the door. Her heartbeat instantly hastened. Why are they here so soon? Did they sense that Amanda was running away?

She tried her best to calm her emotions and hide her guilt. She put on a smile, then got ready to open the door. The man waiting outside seemed to have lost his patience as he frowned and rang the doorbell again. It sounded urgent.

She was so startled that she shuddered, gripped the door handle, and opened the door with a nervous smile.

Elias, outside the door, looked at Selina and asked in a low voice, "What took you so long?" With that, he walked straight into the house, and Yacob followed suit.

Faced with that man, she was more or less intimidated by the strong aura that emanated from him. Still, she went all out so that Amanda and Aiden could escape without a hitch. "I was working in the kitchen, so I didn't hear the bell… I'm so sorry, Mr. Winters."

He looked around the house but did not catch sight of Amanda and their son. He turned around and looked at Selina. "Where are Amanda and Aiden? Are they out?"

The question was finally asked.

A layer of cold sweat appeared on Selina's forehead. She felt like she was beginning to forget the excuse Amanda had taught her to say before they left. Her voice was shaky as she stuttered, "Um… Oh, right, Amanda took Aiden to the movies because he was making a fuss about it. They called just now and said they would be eating outside, so there's no need to make dinner for them."

Elias did not seem to notice anything out of the ordinary. He sat on the couch and took out his phone to call Amanda. However, her phone was off, so the call did not go through.

The man frowned and looked up at Selina. "Her phone is off. Is it necessary to turn off your phone at the cinema?"

"Amanda said that Aiden didn't want her to work when watching a movie. Whenever she watched movies with him in the past, she always left halfway through to answer calls, and he was mad about it. So, she might have turned off her phone this time," Selina answered quickly. This was also an excuse Amanda taught her.

She could not help but be amazed at how well Amanda knew her ex-husband, so much that she could even predict what questions he would ask.

However, Yacob noticed a little detail and asked, "Are you nervous? Why are you sweating?"

Elias also noticed the cold sweat on her forehead. Cold sweat? What does that mean? Did she lie or commit a crime?

The man slightly narrowed his eyes. "Did Amanda say when she'll be back?"



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