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The Lawyer’s Romance in Law novel Chapter 185

Chapter 185 To The Airport

Late at night, finally, after a grueling five-hour meeting, everyone stretched themselves out and left the conference room. Elias also stood up, and one of the executives proactively invited him. "Mr. Winters, would you like to join us for supper?"

"No, thanks. I have something to take care of. You all can go ahead and eat," Elias replied.

His heart was already at home. He just wanted to return to Amanda and their child. Not seeing them for two days made him truly miss them. With a smile, he walked out of the conference room and headed toward the elevator.

Yacob, who was waiting outside, had fallen asleep. Hearing the footsteps, he instantly opened his eyes and stood up. "Mr. Winters, where are we going now?"

"Northern No. 1. I want to see Amanda and Aiden."

"Yes." Yacob glanced at the time; it was already close to midnight, and his mind was starting to feel drowsy. He slapped his cheeks to stay awake since he had to drive later.

However, what Elias did not know was that at this moment, Amanda was packing her suitcase and preparing to take her son to the airport.

Over at Northern No. 1.

"Why are you packing the suitcase, Mommy? Are we going on a trip?" Aiden asked while holding his bottle. He had noticed that Amanda had been packing the suitcase for an hour. Are we going on a trip?

Busy and flustered, she glanced up at her son squatting in front of her. "We're going to the airport. Hurry up and have Selina change your clothes. Quick, or we'll miss the flight."

"Are we going on an airplane? Where are we going?" he asked curiously.

"Yes, an airplane. Hurry up and change your clothes," she replied without lifting her head. Her mind was full of thoughts about whether she had forgotten anything important.

Selina walked in while holding clothes and carrying the kid. "Aiden, let me help you change your clothes. Don't drink milk anymore, good boy."

Amanda finally finished packing and breathed a sigh of relief, feeling exhausted as she lay on the bed. Suddenly, she thought it might be appropriate to call Simon before leaving without a word. She hesitated, then dialed his phone number. The call was quickly connected.

His voice sounded slightly surprised through the phone. "Amanda? To what do I owe the pleasure?"

It had been many days since she had proactively contacted him. She had even been avoiding him at the law firm.

"Simon, I need to tell you something. I'm sorry, but I'm leaving this place."

"What do you mean? Leave this place? Where are you going?"

"I'm returning to Esmos with Aiden. If I leave this time, I may never come back. I'm sorry, I might have to break my contract with the firm."

Simon, on the other end of the phone, grew anxious. "Why do you want to leave? Did something happen? Where are you now? Let's meet up. We still need to hand over the work even if you're leaving. You have a lot of cases on your hands, and you just became the legal advisor for the Winters Enterprise. How can you just say you're leaving?"

"I know, I know all that. I can't handle it all right now. There are some unavoidable reasons. Sorry for the inconvenience, but I have to go. I have no choice."

She knew she was letting him down. He had hired her with a high salary from abroad, and now, she was leaving the law firm without creating any value. She felt ashamed.

"Where are you? I'm coming!"

"No need. My mind is made up. I'm sorry."


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