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The Lawyer’s Romance in Law novel Chapter 191

Chapter 191 Why Did You Take the Initiative to Call Me?

Amanda's anxious expression gave Simon the impression that she was avoiding him again.

"Is there any point in running away, Amanda? Are you trying to avoid me all your life?"

Amanda was panicking at that moment, so she wasn't in the mood to debate such things with him. She flung the man's hand away and yelled, "Quit bugging me! I have to deal with an emergency! Let me go!"

She turned around and went to the door, but Simon stopped her again. "What emergency? Tell me!"

"Aiden is missing!" Amanda roared, finally losing her patience. Then, she threw the door open and went out.

The man stood where he was, stunned. A few seconds later, he finally registered Amanda's words.

He hastily ran after her, but she was long gone.

Amanda quickly went back to Northern No. one.

Once she made it home, she saw Selina crying on the couch. When Selina saw that Amanda was back, she immediately stood up.

"What do we do, Amanda? Aiden is missing! The kindergarten teacher said that his grandpa came and took him away, so why don't you call your father—"

Before Selina could finish speaking, Amanda said, "That's impossible. That useless gambler of a father must be goofing off somewhere. He can't possibly pick Aiden up from kindergarten. Who can it be…?"

"But I looked at the surveillance footage. It truly was a middle-aged man who picked up the child, and he looked very much like your father. I hadn't met him in years, so I can't remember what he looked like. I recorded some of the footage, so you can see if it's your father or not."

Selina took out her phone and played the surveillance footage, showing it to Amanda.

She had met Dick once when she was very young, and now she almost couldn't remember his face.

Amanda glanced at the surveillance footage in the video, then immediately fumed. It truly was Dick, that sc*m!

Still, she stopped panicking when she recognized the man.

However, she didn't have any way of contacting Dick. She only had his number from a long time ago, and she didn't know if it was still in service.

Amanda dialed the ancient number, surprised that it had gone through.

What a miracle! The gambling addict never changed his phone number after so many years.

After a long while, the call was picked up. Dick's voice sounded on the other end of the line. "Hello?"

"Give the child back to me! If you're using the child to threaten me so that I can give you money, stop dreaming. Let me tell you this: he is your biological grandson, so if you truly are that hopeless, we'll see if you can hurt him."

She was betting that Dick wouldn't hurt his biological grandson.

Dick feigned ignorance on the other end of the line. "Amanda? Did you call me just to insult me? When have I threatened you with a child? What child? I don't know what you're talking about."


Sc*m would always be sc*m. He was still pretending that he didn't know anything at this point. He wasn't just a sc*m; even his intelligence was concerning.

Amanda said in a cold voice, "Quit acting. I've seen the surveillance footage. Do you think I'm blind?"

The other end of the line fell silent.

Dick was simply stupid. He didn't know that there would be surveillance cameras even when children were picked up from school these days. He couldn't escape even if he wanted to.

"I just wanted to play with my grandson. What's wrong with that? I'll send him back to your place after we're done eating, all right? How annoying. What can I possibly do to my biological grandson?"

With that, he hung up as if fearing that Amanda would insult him even more.

Amanda was even more furious as she looked at her phone with the abruptly ended call. She dialed Dick's number again, but the call never went through again.


She would be pulling out all the stops as well.

She dialed Elias' number straight away. Elias was the best man to go to if she wanted to look for someone; he could do it in no time.


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