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The Lawyer’s Romance in Law novel Chapter 190

Chapter 190 Someone Took Aiden Away!

Amanda wanted to decline, but after some thought, she eventually agreed.

"All right, I'll go see you at the law firm in the afternoon."

After ending the call, Amanda went to wash up in the bathroom. She changed her clothes, and then finally walked out of her bedroom.

The breakfast Selina had made for her had gone cold, so Selina reheated it.

Amanda sat at the dining table, looking at the reheated breakfast as she said, "You don't have to reheat it for me. I'm not hungry, and I'll be having lunch soon."

At that moment, they were the only ones left in the house, so they could finally have a proper talk.

Selina sat down beside Amanda and asked, "Amanda, did you seriously give up on leaving? How did your ex-husband find you so quickly yesterday?"

"It's all thanks to his biological son. I think there's some telepathy going on between a father and his son, or Elias wouldn't have arrived at the airport so soon. How could he be sure that I was at the airport, anyway? And even when he arrived at the airport, he didn't find me, but that little kid Aiden shouted straightaway, then…"

Amanda looked at Selina helplessly, then shrugged.

"Then he found you…"

Amanda nodded as she sipped the chicken soup.

"What do we do now? Are you going to give up just like that? Aren't you going to escape again?" Selina asked.

Amanda drank the chicken soup from time to time as she cocked her head, looking at Selina. "What point is there in escaping? Did you see how quickly Elias reached the airport? Can I escape that? Even if I did by some stroke of luck, if Aiden shouts again, we'll get found out again, won't we?"

Selina smiled in exasperation. "They truly are father and son. They're related by blood, after all."

"Oh, right, I'll be away on some business in the afternoon, so please pick Aiden up from school later," Amanda said.

Selina nodded. "Will you be coming home tonight for dinner?"

"It's okay."

Soon, it was time for the kindergarten children to go home. Aiden lined up obediently as he waited for someone to pick him up.

Just then, a middle-aged man appeared in front of him. "Hey, little guy, do you remember me?"

The teacher looked at the unfamiliar middle-aged man, knowing very well that she mustn't let him take the child away. She asked, "Who might you be, sir?"

"I'm his grandfather. Can't grandfathers pick up the children?"

Aiden looked at the older man in front of him, pondering with his tiny brain. Then, he seemed to remember.

The teacher, however, was being very responsible as she took out her phone and got ready to make a call. "I'll call Aiden's mother to ask, then. We cannot allow strangers to pick up the children."

"What are you saying, child? How can I be a stranger? I'm the kid's grandfather. If you don't believe me, just ask him." Dick began to get unreasonable. He absolutely mustn't let the teacher call Amanda.

The teacher crouched down, saying in half-doubt, "Aiden, tell me, is this your grandfather? If you don't know him, just tell me."

Aiden stared at his grandfather for a while, then said, "Yes, it's Grandpa."

When Dick heard Aiden admitting that he was Aiden's grandfather, he laughed heartily. "See? I told you I'm his grandfather. As his grandpa, I can pick him up from school, right? Let's go, Aiden."

With that, Dick carried Aiden in his arms.

The teacher felt that it would be inappropriate to say anything else, but she was still a little worried, so she dialed Amanda's number. However, she quickly realized that the call couldn't go through.

Dick held Aiden in his arms, elated.

After the kidnapping last time, Dick had always been hiding in the shadows. Now that the security was getting lax, he made his way back, but he missed his grandson terribly for some reason.

"What would you like to eat, kid? I'll take you there. Or do you want to play somewhere?"


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