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The Lawyer’s Romance in Law novel Chapter 193

Chapter 193 Disappointment Welling Up

"Let me have a look too…" Dick wanted to go with them. He was genuinely anxious as well, and he wanted to find Aiden as soon as possible.

Amanda, however, whipped around to look at him. When she recalled everything that happened in the past, she gathered all her fury in her words and yelled, "Get lost! Get as far away from me as you can; I don't want to see you ever again!"

Not just Dick, even Elias was a little startled.

Dick said in a slightly pleading tone, "What's up with you? I didn't want this to happen, either. I just wanted to take the kid out to play; how would I know this might happen? If I knew that I might lose the child, I would never bring him here even if it cost me my life—"

Before Dick finished speaking, Amanda's tears poured out of her eyes as she shouted furiously, "How can a father like you exist in this world? You spend every waking hour thinking of committing crimes. Have you ever done a decent thing in your entire life?!"

Dick was dumbfounded. Then, he said angrily, "How can you talk to your biological father like that?!"

"Biological father?" Amanda couldn't help but chuckle. She even felt a little disgusted.

Amanda scolded amidst the tears, "Are you sure you're my biological father? You worked with ruffians to kidnap me as blackmail material so that you could save your wife and children. You threatened me with Aiden so that you could get more money to waste on gambling. You even asked your son-in-law for money over and over again. Have you ever considered my feelings?! What sort of biological father are you?! You're sc*m, through and through!"

As she roared at the top of her lungs, the people around her couldn't help but turn to look at her.

Dick felt as if his pride was all but gone. He wished he could just disappear into thin air.

When the passersby heard Amanda's accusation, they started pointing fingers at him.

"That's nonsense. You… You…" Dick wanted to retort, but he couldn't, for everything she said was true.

Amanda added, "Were any of those things false? How can you call yourself a grandfather? Get lost! I don't want to see you for the rest of my life."

With that, she turned around and left.

Dick wanted to go after her, but Elias pushed him aside and demanded with a vile attitude, "Didn't you hear her? Get lost."

"Wait, Elias. You can't believe her nonsense. I'm her father, after all. How can I possibly be someone she made me out to be? I—"

Dick wanted to defend himself, but Elias was already losing patience. He knew more about this father-in-law of his than Amanda did; he knew a lot of things Amanda didn't.

"I know more about your horrible deeds than Amanda does." Elias' expression was cold.

Dick was instantly speechless.

If this wealthy son-in-law of his wanted to investigate all the deeds he had done, it would be a walk in the park.

Elias couldn't be bothered to spare Dick another glance as he turned around and went after Amanda.

The onlookers began pointing fingers at Dick and criticizing him.

"I can't believe this sort of person exists in this world. He's nothing but sc*m for getting someone to kidnap his biological daughter. Unbelievable!"

"The daughter must have suffered a lot. I think he just lost track of his grandson too. How come people like him are still alive?"

"Useless people like him will only cause trouble for others. What a failure."

Gravely insulted and scorned by the passers-by, Dick snarled at the people, saying, "What do you know? Shoo! Get lost, all of you!"

Hence, he ran away in shame.

However, he still wanted to find Aiden. The kid was his grandson, after all. He also felt terrible for losing the kid.

Amanda arrived at the bumper car arena. She paused in her tracks as tears rolled down her cheeks.

Elias followed behind her and said in a low voice, "What's the matter?"

How could Aiden go missing just like that? When the merry-go-round stopped, many people rushed forward, so I really can’t make out who took Aiden away.


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