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The Lawyer’s Romance in Law novel Chapter 194

Chapter 194 I Know He'll Find Aiden

Amanda suddenly calmed down, for she thought that Howard had most probably taken the child away.

"When will you have an answer?"

The man fell silent for a few seconds, then said, "Tomorrow morning, probably."

Tonight, he had to figure out if the child was truly taken away by Howard.

I’ll give him time. Amanda felt that one night was acceptable. She could stop worrying if Aiden was with Howard.

"I'm getting tired, so I'll go back first. I await your news."

Amanda got up and prepared to leave. Her sudden calmness caught the man by surprise.

"I'll send you back."

Amanda said, "It's okay. Let your bodyguard send me home, and you can keep looking for Aiden. I'll wait for your updates at home. After all, I can't help with anything here; I'd just get in the way."

She didn't want to disturb Elias' search for the child.

It was obvious that Elias didn't want her to know that Howard had taken the child away, for he wanted to maintain Howard's reputation. She decided that she would just play along and pretend she had no idea.

She would be fine with it as long as Aiden was back. She didn't care how it was done; she just wanted a good ending.

"I'll get Yacob to send you back."

Elias didn't say more. If Amanda wasn't around, he would have had more time to negotiate with Howard.

Amanda smiled tiredly and nodded, then turned around and walked out of the monitoring room.

As the man gazed at her lonely figure, he felt his heart ache.

In the car, Amanda supported her chin as she stared at the night scene outside the window. Her gaze was vacant.

Yacob, who was driving, glanced in the rearview mirror. When he saw Amanda behaving like that, he said, "Don't worry, Miss Bailey, we'll find Aiden."

Yacob just wanted to comfort her.

Amanda, however, smiled weakly. "I know he'll find Aiden. I even know that he'll find Aiden by tomorrow morning. It's just a matter of willingness."

"What do you mean by that?"

Why did she talk as if Elias knew who had taken the child away? Could it be that Elias wasn't looking for the child on purpose?

Yacob felt that Amanda was referring to something implicitly.

Amanda, however, just smiled and shook her head. "It's nothing. Can you go faster, please? I'm a little tired, so I want to go back and rest for a bit."

She just wanted to go home and sleep, for she wouldn't have to keep worrying once she went to sleep. Maybe when she woke up the next morning and opened her eyes, she would see Aiden standing next to the bed, holding a milk bottle as he drank his milk.

Yacob felt that something was off about Amanda.

After sending Amanda home, he dialed Elias' number. The call was quickly answered.

"Did you send her back?"

"Yes, but Mr. Winters, I feel as if Miss Bailey is behaving weirdly. Don't you think so too? She looks very relaxed, as if she isn't worried or anxious anymore."

The man was quiet for a few seconds, then said, "Got it. Come back here. There's something else I want you to do."



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