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The Lawyer’s Romance in Law novel Chapter 196

Chapter 196 Infiltration

Soon, the female police officer reached for her own phone and began recording a video of the boy. Then, she uploaded the video onto a website where netizens published search notices for missing people. "Can I call Mr. Simon?" The child kept his eyes fixed on the phone in the female police officer's hand and asked. Deep down, Aiden could still remember Simon's phone number, having memorized it over time because he always called him behind Amanda's back.

Mr. Simon?

The lady officer exchanged gazes with the other senior police officer as their eyes brightened up. After that, the senior police officer crouched down and looked at Aiden. "Is that your father? Why didn't you tell us earlier? We could have saved all the trouble looking for your mother for you."

Aiden waved so adorably that the adults wished they could just peck his cheek. "No, you can't call Daddy. Mommy is going to get mad about that. She won't even let me call Daddy because she said I'd disturb him that way."

The two police officers had no idea what was going on, wondering whether Aiden's mother was a single parent. Then, the older police officer patiently said, "Alright, let's give him a call and get him to pick you up, okay? Your mother must have been worried since you were missing all night. For that, I think she will understand, knowing this is an exception." After that, he took his phone and gave it to Aiden so that he could dial Simon's number.

As soon as Aiden got the phone, he immediately inserted Simon's phone number and dialed it. On the other hand, Simon, who was also busy looking for Aiden, didn't notice his phone ringing until a few moments later. His frustrated voice could be heard from the other end of the phone. "Who is this? If there isn't anything important today, don't bother calling me again. Contact my secretary…"

Before the man could finish his words, Aiden shouted with the phone still in his hand. "Mr. Simon, it's me, Aiden!"

"Where have you been, Aiden? I've been searching for you everywhere. Why didn't you call me? You should have told me where you were ahead."

Before Aiden could respond, the senior police officer quickly snatched the phone away, thinking it was better for him to talk to Aiden's parents. "Hello, we're from the Northern Police Department. Are you Aiden Bailey's father? He went missing last night and came to us for help. Nonetheless, he couldn't remember his mother's number or his residence address until he told us your phone number a few moments ago. Would it be convenient for you to come pick him up right now?"

"Alright, I'll come right now."

"After the child hung up the call, the police officer heaved a sigh of relief while looking at him. "Finally, your father is coming to pick you up. You'll be free to go home. Phew! You have no idea how tiring it was for me to go through so much trouble looking after you last night."

"No, he's not my father. He is just Mommy's colleague instead," Aiden answered sternly, whereupon the two police officers exchanged gazes in a confused manner once more.

Meanwhile, Amanda was ready to leave home after she went through her morning routine and finished her breakfast without displaying too much emotion on her face.

The estate? Amanda didn't respond with a single word as she turned around and walked away, feeling determined to discuss her issue with Howard.


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