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The Lawyer’s Romance in Law novel Chapter 197

Chapter 197 Down the Stairs

Howard immediately gave chase, seizing Grace's arm just when she was about to make a turn at the corner. "Stop right there! I'm going to expose your true nature to Elias so he will never fall for a woman like you ever again." Upon saying that, Howard reached for his phone to call his grandson.

Howard's words immediately sent Grace's emotions down a thought spiral of hopelessness, filling her with despair, as she didn't want Elias to see her true nature. Although Elias already had a bad impression of her, she didn't want him to hate her even more because that would not end well for her. If Elias found out who she really was, not only would he refuse to see her, but he would also send her away to some place where she would be trapped forever. "Let me go! I didn't do anything! Now, let me go!" Grace struggled to free herself from Howard's grasp, but he wouldn't budge. At the same time, Howard was searching for Elias' number through his contact list with the other hand.

"Don't even think about running away! I must make Elias see through your hypocrisy. If you hadn't interfered back then, Elias wouldn't have divorced Amanda, and neither would my great-grandson have to be away from me for four years. All this is your fault…" Before Howard could finish his words, Grace hit his hand, causing him to drop his phone as it fell down the stairs. "Grace!" Howard angrily called out to that woman. "Somebody! Oscar! Capture this woman! She infiltrated Elias' room and tried to drug him, yet neither of you noticed her. Are you guys blind or something? Or are you tired of keeping your jobs?!"

Panicky, Grace struggled even harder in a desperate attempt to escape, but Howard showed no signs of letting her go. "Let! Me! Go!" Grace used all the energy from her body to shake the older man off, whereupon she fled down the stairs.

The next moment, Howard slipped and lost his footing, falling forward as his eyes widened in horror on his face. In the meantime, Grace, who was making her escape, turned around and took a quick glimpse of what happened behind her, only to see Howard rolling down the stairs. While the sight of that left her stunned and frozen in place, Howard continued to roll down the flight of stairs until he hit the ground and bled from his head. Looking at the unconscious old man, Grace blanched in her face without knowing what to do. A minute later, she slowly approached Howard while trembling uncontrollably, gently nudging him. "Um. Grandpa…"

Nevertheless, Howard simply continued to lie down there in the stillness, just like a dead man. At that moment, Grace's heart raced like a jackhammer, as if it was going to burst out of her chest. As her eyes widened, she shivered from head to toe, sticking out her finger right in front of Howard's nostrils. When she didn't feel his breath, she nervously retracted her arm, her face turning even paler. What?! No way! No way!

At her wits' end, Grace went weak in her knees and collapsed onto the ground, backing away from Howard in fear. If Elias finds out I'm the one who's responsible for Grandpa's death, he is going to kill me! Haunted by her wild imagination, Grace didn't dare to think about the ways that Elias would use to torture her. No! No! No! She struggled to get on her feet and stepped back in horror, unable to take her eyes off Howard, who was lying in the pool of blood. Shortly after that, she ran away without looking back.

Meanwhile, Amanda arrived at Winters Estate and learned from the butler that Howard was waiting for her inside the house. However, after entering the house, she still didn't see any signs of the old man. Just when she was about to search for him elsewhere, she noticed what seemed like bloodstains on the floor. Seeing that, she knitted her eyebrows and curiously followed the trail that led her all the way to the stairs before she started seeing more blood on the ground.

The sight of that put a worried look on Amanda's face. As she slowly continued to follow the bloody trail, she saw Howard lying in a pool of blood. Stunned with her eyes wide open, she froze for a few seconds before she headed over to Howard and crouched down to hold his head. "Grandpa! Wake up, Grandpa! Wake up!" Despite Amanda's desperate effort to wake Howard up, Howard remained silent and still, his face still looking pale. Due to profuse bleeding from his head, Howard looked nothing much different from a dead man.

"Help! Somebody! Grandpa fell off the stairs! Help!" Amanda shouted in tears.

As Amanda's cry drew the butler's attention, the latter followed the voice and rushed to the scene, which left him stunned. "What happened to Old Mr. Winters?! How did he end up like this?! This…"

"Cut the crap now! We need to rush him to the hospital! Can't you see he is bleeding profusely?!" Amanda demanded while holding the back of Howard's head with one hand.


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