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The Lawyer’s Romance in Law novel Chapter 208

Chapter 208 This Former Wife of Elias' Is Quite Fierce

Amanda felt somewhat speechless. How in the world did we end up talking about me?! Also, this client is rather strange…

She cleared her throat. "I didn't ask for a penny from my ex-husband, so there's no property division. The child belongs to me."

"That's really awful. He's so wealthy, yet he didn't give you a single penny and even gave you the child?!" Stephanie was shocked. She couldn't believe Elias could be so despicable to do such shameless things.

Stephanie mentally noted down all the details, planning to tell her father about Elias' crimes after she returned. I'm going to tell Father all of this. Let's see how he can continue to defend Elias! Hmph!

"How do you know my ex-husband is wealthy?"

This girl is really strange. Amanda began doubting the true purpose of her visit.

Realizing her faux pas, Stephanie forced a laugh and argued, "Um, well, I noticed that the house you're living in is expensive. This is a pretty wealthy neighborhood, so I thought maybe your ex-husband gave it to you as part of the divorce settlement. After all, you still have a son, so I assumed—"

"Miss Allegra, let's talk about your matter instead. Mine is not important," Amanda interjected, redirecting the conversation.

"Yes, yes, let's talk about my matter. Look at me being all gossipy. I can't help getting curious when I hear gossip. I'd like to know how much of my husband's property can I get after divorcing my husband? By the way, Miss Bailey, does your ex-husband provide child support after the divorce? He wouldn't be so stingy as to not give any child support, right? Oh, and how did you two get divorced in the first place? Who was at fault?"

Stephanie was still too eager, and her rapid-fire questions raised suspicions in Amanda's mind.

"Miss Allegra, aren't you here for a divorce consultation? Why are you so interested in my personal matters?"

"Well... um, I am here for a divorce consultation. I was just curious about how much property a lawyer like you would get in a divorce… Haha…" Stephanie laughed awkwardly while averting her gaze.

Finding the situation increasingly suspicious, Amanda slowly stood up and said, "Miss Allegra, I think it would be better for you to consult with other lawyers at the firm. I'll be honest with you that I'm currently on vacation, so I'm not responsible for any clients."

"Wait, what? But I specifically wanted you to handle my case. I've heard that you're the best at handling divorce cases."

Amanda narrowed her eyes slightly and asked, "Miss Allegra, let me ask you, what's the name of our law firm?"

Stephanie was stupefied. The name of the law firm… Shoot! It was written in the investigation materials. Something Associates, was it? Shoot, why can't I recall the name?!

She had only taken a careless glance at the time.

"It's called…" Stephane muttered. "It's something Associations. It's… I can't remember exactly, but they recommended you to me, saying you're the best at—"

Alas, before she could finish her words, Amanda stood up, her expression cold and distant. "Please leave. You're not here for a consultation but to pry into my privacy."

"But I—"

"Please leave. Or I'll call the security!" Amanda said, looking at the girl in front of her with a sense of inexplicable annoyance, unsure of what the girl's intentions were.

Call security? Elias' former wife is quite fierce.

Stephanie had no choice but to stand up and leave. After all, she didn't want to escalate the situation. She left dejectedly.

After closing the door, Amanda leaned against it with furrowed brows. She pondered for a moment, then walked over to the couch, picked up her phone, and dialed Elias' number.

The call was answered swiftly, and Elias' voice, deep and somber, came through. "Amanda, what's the matter?"


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