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The Lawyer’s Romance in Law novel Chapter 209

Chapter 209 What's the Use of Having a Dad?

Later, in the kitchen of an apartment unit in Northern No. 1, Amanda was busy washing and preparing the ingredients for dinner.

It'd be too late if she waited for Selina to come back with groceries. So, she got to making dinner after finding some simple ingredients in the fridge.

Just then, the main door was pushed open, and Selina returned with groceries, accompanied by the little one's voice. "Mommy, I want to eat shrimp tonight! I want shrimp! Miss Selina said she would make shrimp for me."

Amanda, who was busy in the kitchen, replied without turning her head, "Alright, I'll make shrimp for you tonight."

"Aiden, you go and play for a bit while I help your mommy make dinner, okay?" Selina said while taking off her jacket, and Aiden nodded obediently.

With that, Selina entered the kitchen with the groceries she had bought, only to find that Amanda had already started washing and preparing the ingredients.

"Why did you start without me?"

"I got bored waiting alone," Amanda replied. "So, I looked through the fridge for some ingredients and decided to start ahead with one dish. By the way, have you gotten shrimp? Aiden wants to eat shrimp."

"Of course. Have you told Mr. Winters? Is he coming over for dinner?"

Selina assumed that was the case, or Amanda's mood wouldn't have shifted so quickly. She was still frowning earlier, but now she was beaming.

"Um…" Even Amanda herself didn't realize how sweet her smile was.

I knew it!

A chuckle escaped Selina as she continued, "You're feeling much better now, aren't you? No more overthinking?"

"Yeah, I do," Amanda answered subconsciously while washing the vegetables, taking a second to realize what she had just replied to.

She looked up and frowned upon meeting Selina's enigmatic smile. "What do you mean by that?"

"Is it not evident? Don't you think your mood is being influenced by Mr. Winters? Only when you deeply love someone can they affect your emotions."

At that, Amanda retorted at once. "No way! Who said I still love him? That's all in the past. I stopped loving him after our divorce! It's not because of him that I'm in a bad mood. It's… it's…"

"It's?" Selina asked with a playful smile.

Alas, Amanda couldn't find the words to argue. It seemed that the reason for her bad mood was Elias' indifferent attitude.

"Enough of that. Let's start cooking; it's getting late. Aiden's hungry."

Selina smiled but said nothing. It's so obvious you have nothing to base your argument on.

An hour later, dinner was ready—a sumptuous feast laid out on the table.

Little Aiden climbed onto the dining chair and looked at the array of delicious dishes in front of him. His big, round eyes widened as he gushed, "Wow! This is amazing, Mommy! We're having a feast tonight!"

Alas, little would the little fella know he would soon face the person he least wanted to see—Elias Winters.


The doorbell rang, and Amanda quickly got up to answer the door.

I might as well remain as Uncle Elias. At least Aiden used to smile cheerfully when he saw him. But now, the little guy behaved as though he had encountered a bitter enemy, feeling awkward, stiff, and even wanting to stay away from him.


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