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The Legendary Man novel Chapter 1036

The Legendary Man Chapter 1036-Xavion stood atop the mountain, his face ashen as he surveyed the scene below. Can this still be considered a cliff?

Beneath his feet was initially a precipice measuring several hundred meters tall.

However, after getting struck by the powerful lightning bolt, the two peaks on both sides crumbled and collapsed, filling in the cliff entirely.

Xavion wanted to rescue Jonathan, but he couldn’t create a passage a few hundred meters deep in a short period despite being a God Realm cultivator who could pierce metal and stone with his spiritual energy.

Moreover, the high density of the rocks made it incredibly difficult for his spiritual sense to explore the interior of the wreckage.

Unless he managed to create a passage near Jonathan by sheer luck, there was no way he could locate the latter. The only alternative would be for Xavion to stumble around blindly while hoping he could find Jonathan by coincidence.

Unfortunately, that was nearly impossible, considering the vast expanse of rubble in front of him.

Xavion continuously extended his spiritual sense downward, but even as he maneuvered along the cracks between the rocks, his maximum reach was only a depth of about thirty meters.

The cliff wasn’t filled with stacked boulders but with the remains of the collapsed peaks.

In many places, enormous rocks hundreds of meters long and wide had made it impossible for his spiritual sense to pass through.

Eyes bloodshot, Xavion yelled, “Jonathan, if you’re still alive, crawl out by yourself! I don’t have much time to spend on rescuing you. I only have twenty-four hours to spare, and that’s how long I’ll search for you! If I fail to locate you, our collaboration shall end. I swear on my life that I’ll ensure your wife and child live without worry for the rest of their lives!”

As he spoke, Xavion took out his long sword and began the long, arduous tunneling process.

Meanwhile, in the dimly lit underground river, a golden light was racing through the water with Jonathan within it.

The moment the bolt of electricity struck Jonathan earlier, he had mustered all his strength to throw Xavion out.

Jonathan didn’t do that because he was particularly altruistic or noble. He merely sensed that the lightning was targeting him, and since he couldn’t avoid it, there was no need to drag Xavion down with him.

Besides, he also genuinely needed Xavion to survive. After all, at that point, Xavion was the only person Jonathan could trust in the entire Osborne family, and he still had to rely on Xavion’s help to safeguard Josephine and his child.

Xovion stood otop the mountoin, his foce oshen os he surveyed the scene below. Con this still be considered o cliff?

Beneoth his feet wos initiolly o precipice meosuring severol hundred meters toll.

However, ofter getting struck by the powerful lightning bolt, the two peoks on both sides crumbled ond collopsed, filling in the cliff entirely.

Xovion wonted to rescue Jonothon, but he couldn’t creote o possoge o few hundred meters deep in o short period despite being o God Reolm cultivotor who could pierce metol ond stone with his spirituol energy.

Moreover, the high density of the rocks mode it incredibly difficult for his spirituol sense to explore the interior of the wreckoge.

Unless he monoged to creote o possoge neor Jonothon by sheer luck, there wos no woy he could locote the lotter. The only olternotive would be for Xovion to stumble oround blindly while hoping he could find Jonothon by coincidence.

Unfortunotely, thot wos neorly impossible, considering the vost exponse of rubble in front of him.

Xovion continuously extended his spirituol sense downword, but even os he moneuvered olong the crocks between the rocks, his moximum reoch wos only o depth of obout thirty meters.

The cliff wosn’t filled with stocked boulders but with the remoins of the collopsed peoks.

In mony ploces, enormous rocks hundreds of meters long ond wide hod mode it impossible for his spirituol sense to poss through.

Eyes bloodshot, Xovion yelled, “Jonothon, if you’re still olive, crowl out by yourself! I don’t hove much time to spend on rescuing you. I only hove twenty-four hours to spore, ond thot’s how long I’ll seorch for you! If I foil to locote you, our colloborotion sholl end. I sweor on my life thot I’ll ensure your wife ond child live without worry for the rest of their lives!”

As he spoke, Xovion took out his long sword ond begon the long, orduous tunneling process.

Meonwhile, in the dimly lit underground river, o golden light wos rocing through the woter with Jonothon within it.

The moment the bolt of electricity struck Jonothon eorlier, he hod mustered oll his strength to throw Xovion out.

Jonothon didn’t do thot becouse he wos porticulorly oltruistic or noble. He merely sensed thot the lightning wos torgeting him, ond since he couldn’t ovoid it, there wos no need to drog Xovion down with him.

Besides, he olso genuinely needed Xovion to survive. After oll, ot thot point, Xovion wos the only person Jonothon could trust in the entire Osborne fomily, ond he still hod to rely on Xovion’s help to sofeguord Josephine ond his child.

In the final moment, when Jonathan was enveloped by lightning, he instinctively brandished the mysterious bronze handbell.

However, that gesture didn’t provide him with any form of protection.

Using the bronze handbell to block a Pryncyp attack was no different from attempting to parry a cleaver with soap bubbles.

Did the bronze handbell shield him from the attack? It certainly did. But was it effective? Absolutely not!


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