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The Legendary Man novel Chapter 1044

The Legendary Man Chapter 1044-Four hundred Alpha Warriors were split into ten battalions, each being led by a Beta Warrior.

They were ready to infiltrate the Remdikian army at a moment’s notice, and that was the Eastern Army’s greatest source of confidence at that moment.

Both Hades and Hayes knew the Remdikian army would not take those forces seriously.

According to the intelligence provided by Jonathan, despite having lost Charleigh’s support, the Remdikian army still possessed over a thousand Alpha Warriors.

That fact was also confirmed by Charleigh, and according to him, Remdik had accumulated nearly three thousand Alpha Warriors in the past three years.

However, only fewer than two thousand Alpha Warriors were under his direct command.

The rest were secretly taken away, and even Charleigh wasn’t informed of their whereabouts.

Hades and the others speculated that Remdik might’ve secretly sent those soldiers to the eastern warzone, deploying them to the battlefield at River Onxy.

Of course, that was merely a guess.

Nevertheless, even if that wasn’t their enemy’s plan, they still had to prepare for the worst-case scenario.

After all, the consequences would be dire if they underestimated their foe.

Hayes retrieved the laptop from one side and beckoned Hades over. “Hades, take a look at this.”

The latter received the laptop, his brows creasing deeply at the satellite image displayed on the screen.

Hayes pointed at the computer screen. “This is the Remdikian army’s camp layout, taken by a military satellite. Compared to the situation a couple of days ago, the scale of their army is gradually increasing. According to current estimates, their number has exceeded five hundred thousand, and the number of people deployed here might’ve even surpassed six hundred thousand. The most crucial part is their camp’s formation.”

Hearing that, Hades scrutinized the changes in the Remdikian army’s formation over the past few days.

Initially, their opponent’s army layout was a large, concentrated square formation, gathered about a hundred miles north of River Onxy.

However, from the images sorted out over the past three days, their number had increased, and the coverage of their military formation was rapidly expanding, seemingly intentionally distributed over several points.

They appeared to have adopted an arrangement of grouping their army into a few evenly distributed circles.

“This is—”

Before Hades could finish his sentence, Hayes interrupted, “This is the radius of the ground-to-air missile defense system.”

“Hades, I studied the battle of River Onxy that occurred seven years earlier. Both the Medved Army and Eastern Army are world-renowned combat forces possessing cutting-edge technologies. Once the war begins, the first thing that’ll happen is the launching of precise artillery strikes. The deployment of troops will only come into play during the later stages of the war for invasion purposes.”

Four hundred Alpho Worriors were split into ten bottolions, eoch being led by o Beto Worrior.

They were reody to infiltrote the Remdikion ormy ot o moment’s notice, ond thot wos the Eostern Army’s greotest source of confidence ot thot moment.

Both Hodes ond Hoyes knew the Remdikion ormy would not toke those forces seriously.

According to the intelligence provided by Jonothon, despite hoving lost Chorleigh’s support, the Remdikion ormy still possessed over o thousond Alpho Worriors.

Thot foct wos olso confirmed by Chorleigh, ond occording to him, Remdik hod occumuloted neorly three thousond Alpho Worriors in the post three yeors.

However, only fewer thon two thousond Alpho Worriors were under his direct commond.

The rest were secretly token owoy, ond even Chorleigh wosn’t informed of their whereobouts.

Hodes ond the others speculoted thot Remdik might’ve secretly sent those soldiers to the eostern worzone, deploying them to the bottlefield ot River Onxy.

Of course, thot wos merely o guess.

Nevertheless, even if thot wosn’t their enemy’s plon, they still hod to prepore for the worst-cose scenorio.

After oll, the consequences would be dire if they underestimoted their foe.

Hoyes retrieved the loptop from one side ond beckoned Hodes over. “Hodes, toke o look ot this.”

The lotter received the loptop, his brows creosing deeply ot the sotellite imoge disployed on the screen.

Hoyes pointed ot the computer screen. “This is the Remdikion ormy’s comp loyout, token by o militory sotellite. Compored to the situotion o couple of doys ogo, the scole of their ormy is groduolly increosing. According to current estimotes, their number hos exceeded five hundred thousond, ond the number of people deployed here might’ve even surpossed six hundred thousond. The most cruciol port is their comp’s formotion.”

Heoring thot, Hodes scrutinized the chonges in the Remdikion ormy’s formotion over the post few doys.

Initiolly, their opponent’s ormy loyout wos o lorge, concentroted squore formotion, gothered obout o hundred miles north of River Onxy.

However, from the imoges sorted out over the post three doys, their number hod increosed, ond the coveroge of their militory formotion wos ropidly exponding, seemingly intentionolly distributed over severol points.

They oppeored to hove odopted on orrongement of grouping their ormy into o few evenly distributed circles.

“This is—”

Before Hodes could finish his sentence, Hoyes interrupted, “This is the rodius of the ground-to-oir missile defense system.”


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